Hitler was more successful than Napoleon

>had countless allies (Batavian Republic, Spain, Kingdom of Naples, Italy, Poland, Confederation of the Rhine) - was hated by all of them
>betrayed Spain
>got BTFO by Spanish peasants
>no allies outside of Europe
>literal cuck
>dies thousands of miles away from home in a wet cuck shed, surrounded by enemies

Adolf Hitler
>destroyed 2 empires
>set free hundreds of millions of people from South America to India to South Africa
>conquered all of Europe, from beyond the Rhine all the way to the Wolga (humiliated France in 6 weeks, kek)
>managed to do so with 1 (one) completely useless and retarded ally, Italy
>allied based Japan, because he was fresh and multicultural
>divided Europe into American and Soviet blocs both armed with nuclear weapons (would have been kino if either of them actually had the nuts to push the button)
>Germany resumed its rightful place as the hegemonic power in Europe, which it holds to this day
>made America the economic Prometheus (shifted relevance from this plebbit continent to overseas)
>Gave hollywood shlomo material for a million movies about the holobunga
>Name almost has a divine aura to it

The French civil code of 1804 was either abolished in most of Europe or reformed to death after Napoleon's defeat lmfao.

Attached: Cognitive dissonance.png (2400x1216, 861.83K)

Yeah, sure. But you are forgetting the fact that hitler was cringe, and Napoleon was based

>>had countless allies (Batavian Republic, Spain, Kingdom of Naples, Italy, Poland, Confederation of the Rhine) - was hated by all of them
Most of them didn't mattered
>>got BTFO by Spanish peasants
Hitler got btfo by yugoslave peasant
>>no allies outside of Europe
Nothing outside Europe mattered at that time

>The French civil code of 1804 was either abolished in most of Europe or reformed to death after Napoleon's defeat
It's still the basis of most law system in the world

Why would you even answer to a ravinshitter

>been over 200 years
>austrians are still absolutely SEETHING about based Nappy

Napoleon has a better personal story. Just this guy who's barely even french that is sent to as a filler general to a secondary theater , and then he he wins, and then he wins, and then he wins somemore. Get's paradoxically crowned emperor of the revolution, puts forward reform after reform. The Napoleonic code. and then he wins, wins and wins some more. 5 times against the enemies of the enlightenment.
The comeback from elba. Also known as the greatest moment in all of History.
He made sure that the ideas of the revolution would live on and shape our world, instead of ending like another peasant rebellion.
Even if he was ultimately defeated I think Napoleon's story is more interesting than Hitler's rise to power though that's very kino too..

>The French civil code of 1804 was either abolished in most of Europe or reformed to death after Napoleon's defeat

Formally yes, and it is also true that much of Europe returned to absolutism after the defeat of Napoleon, including France. But successively monarchs ended up becoming constitutional.

>>literal cuck
He was married twice bro

>was hated by all of them

not true, we love Napoleon, we have countless streets named after him, statues etc., we consider him our national hero even though he actually didn't give a fuck about Poland more than it was useful for him to help secure French rule over eastern Europe

>allies of napoleon
Stopped reading right there. Sage goes on all fields

Italy loved Napoleon and hated Hitler.

That's why Napoleon's dream lives to this day while Hitler failed miserably.

Didn't polacks side with Haitians against Napoleon and thus earn the title "white negroes" lmfao?
Shitalians are a bunch of brown side switchers and surrenderers. Nobody cares what you think.

There were pockets of resistance and technically not the whole country was invaded, but de facto we were ruled by his brother, although with hardly any popular support, only from the elites.

Poles enlisted en masse, we had Polish legions fighting for Napoleon even here. I guess because even though he made them a vassal state, he freed them.

He literally fell for the "I'm ready to settle down now" meme. What a massive cuck.
>The marriage was not well received by Napoleon’s family, who were shocked that he had married an older widow with two children. Two days after the wedding, Bonaparte left to lead the French army in Italy. During their separation he sent her many love letters, but both spouses also had lovers. Despite his own affairs, their relationship was never the same after he learnt about hers.

>Didn't polacks side with Haitians against Napoleon and thus earn the title "white negroes" lmfao?

it was just a small group of Poles sent to Haiti, Poles in Poland worshipped (and still do) Napoleon

Tbh it's hard to call it freedom, the Duchy of Warsaw was totally dependent by France and its laws were just translated French laws, including the civil code, administrative division and everything was done in the French manner, he didn't even agree to bring the name of "Poland" back, also he imposed huge taxes upon the Duchy and granted huge land estates in the Duchy to French officers and other cronies who also had a huge influence on how the country was ruled, every important decision had to be consulted with them or Napoleon directly. But well, for Poles it was still better than Russian/Prussian rule.

Look at Macron, successful CHADs marry older women meanwhile shy virgin like hitler marry younger women.


Attached: Macron's husband.jpg (1080x1596, 491.38K)

Hitler probably should’ve been to Napoleon what Julius Caesar/Augustus Caesar was to Alexander.

Both were a failure


Sounds generic af if you write it like that.
Meanwhile Hitler good kicked out of art school, grew a hateboner for jews (but only some), got drunk and decided to start a political party in a beer cellar, used his charisma to get people to vote for him, eventually started a revolution and coup, turned Germany into a military super power, conquered a whole bunch of Europe, fucked up because too many war theaters at once.


Rather he was talking about the powers that had occupied Poland up to that point. And I guess he didn't call the Duchy of Warsaw Poland because it included other Slavic minorities.

better than raping your 16 years old niece who then kill herself, even hitler's wife attempted to kill herself. Why Hitler makes everyone kill themselves?

They are both pretty interesting, but the difference is that Napoleon is often viewed from an unbiased lens and Hitler is depicted as an evil madman without exception.

Hitler started out as a homeless reject from art school on the streets of Munich and ended up becoming the would be conqueror of Europe. That's a much more epic story. In fact I'd go as far to say there hasn't been another figure in history who started out so low and got so high.

>better than raping your 16 years old niece who then kill herself
No proofs, Strasser made that shit up.

Hitler never traveled to Russia or Egypt to lead his army to the fight.
I give you that Nazi Germany was more amazing as an entity than the french empire but Napoleon's life was more amazing than hitler's one.

>Hitler is depicted as an evil madman without exception.
Perhaps because there is a certain whitening about the history of other countries of his time that also applied eugenic laws and locked up ethnic minorities in concentration camps.

Hitler was good as an orator but had no military skills unlike napo or caesar.

>I give you that Nazi Germany was more amazing as an entity than the french empire
I don't know doubt, Germany based all its growth on public debt and was already rich at the time of the war, France was a rather poor and unstable country that almost conquered Europe.

>Hitler never traveled to Russia or Egypt to lead his army to the fight.
Hitler was a combat hardened veteran and hero of WW1. His job was to carry messages between the frontline and regimental headquarters, often running across kilometres of no man's land. He was gassed, shot at, wounded, nearly blown to pieces. His battalion was reduced from something like 4,000 to 300 men towards the end of the war. He suffered for 4 years in the trenches of WW1. He even captured 8 Frenchmen armed only with a pistol once and dragged them back to headquarters across 3 miles of no man's land. He was awarded the Iron Cross First Class for it. I guarantee you Hitler saw more death and misery than Napoleon ever did.

All his generals wanted to go after prestige targets like Moscow instead of strategic ones like Baku as if it was the 19th century. He was actually the smarter one in that regard. Of course he started making dumb decisions when they started losing preventing retreat when it was the smarter option.

Napoleons changes here still last up to today.
Almost all Hitlers changes are long gone.