I'm so tired of it all

i'm so tired of it all

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What would ever happen to you, did you cut yourself wiih a spoon?

it's all so bland and boring, life has NOTHING to offer lol

go to bed, european

get a gf or a pet

I wish I was fucking dead.

I'm 26...

its lonely at the top

You don't suffer in the first world, stupid fucking whiny nigger. I hope you and your family get murdered

The family members I cared about are already dead, your gay little insults are nothing desu

I’ll be 30 next year and I don’t have a gf

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>firstie suffering

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Same. I wish I was dead.

You can suffer anywhere user. You can be lonely in Sahara and downtown NYC. Never mock a pain you haven't endured.

Wanna talk abou it?

>UGH I just hate waking up in a homogenous, nice, high trust, and safe country where I can neet without any worries. A place that is known for its chilling beauty and its gorgeous people desired by many.


We went out for a walk, it wasn't too bad. I felt like she liked me.

Yesterday I invited her for another walk, and it went from "almost have a chance" to "negative 200". It was terrible. I am completely inadequate. I can't talk like a normal person. I can't behave like a normal person. I am too nervous around girls. She gave me a chance, and I blew it. I messaged her today again with good morning, she replied, and then I asked her if she wants to watch a movie we talked about last night together, she said "she needs to see the trailer" and that "she isn't sure now", meaning "no". I told her to let me know whatever she decides. That was around noon. Now it's 8. Still no message. It's pretty clear she isn't interested anymore. I blew it. She was the only hope I had, and now I have literally nothing. 100% sure she'll never message me again. I will 100% die alone and never be able to have a gf. I should just die. I have no desire to even go to work anymore.

That's sad. I'm sorry user.

I'm a loser too and never even got as close as you to a girl but even I can tell you you're overexaggarating. The world isn't over, calm down, keep ya head up

I'm sure it is homogenous outside the capital.

God, I really fucking hope you and your nigger whiny families suffer most fucking painful death possible

How can I EVER have a normal relationship with a girl if I am THIS inadequate? She isn't exactly a top model, and she gave me a chance, which itself means her standards aren't too high, and YET I am INCAPABLE of making it work. Who the hell is going to give me another chance ever again?? This one was a complete fucking miracle, and I blew it. How often do miracles happen?? And even if one happens again, which it won't, I'll blew it again because then I will be even more desperate. Fucking christ I literally wish I got hit by a bus, or accidentally swallow something poisonous.