How will people in your country view the US in 100 years?

How will people in your country view the US in 100 years?

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>Me on the left

Attached: real rome.png (1600x1954, 367.33K)

Chinas little bitch

Like they see the dutch empire today

Nothing of value was lost

roman flag should be never close to american one

We are literally their successor

finland is traitor to Russian Empire
It would be legitimate heir after all Finns hang.

Russians aren't traitors to Russian Empire though.

you are only of his many sons not even the firstborn as that is my country

That confidence are you?

Only part of empire that didnt fall under bolsheviks, tsar men escaped to finland as their last fortress
>traitors ok


my country will be the US in 100 years

As slavers and barbarians who used their half-a-trillion dollar army to weaken, enslave and genocide nations to their liking.

Attached: a good mutt is a dead mutt.jpg (635x1024, 133.66K)

Fuck off we're full

The British empire is rome’s successor and the US is britain’s successor

lol wut

you are israel successor

I can't tell if you people are baiting or not anymore.

I believe that the US, while no longer the global hegemon, will still be among the most powerful nations on earth in 100 years. Our geography is overpowered and we have the most stable population demographics of any developed nation.

Some kind of hyper globohomo version of Angola, you don't need to wait that much though

realistically usa wont be the hyperpower it is today but there wont be any hyperpowers in the world still so basically like pre world war europe

>israel founded in 1948

nu israel is the successor of britain what comes around ceoms around

The real sucesor of Rome was unironically and literally the Spanish Empire, in fact the crown of Aragon is still defacto their sucessors.

Attached: Terrifying911.jpg (716x718, 136.39K)

this pic made me cringe

"fucking hell, not him again" they will be like France is now to their allies, one of the strongest in the western world but not bothered with the world outside of the west