Live your myth in Russia

Live your myth in Russia

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Looks like a great place to die from a heroin overdose.

That's living a myth alright

Do you honestly think you can afford heroin if you live in a place like this?

imagining a intsgram influencer taking photos there like with little children in africa

Maybe if I work hard at the factory I can afford to buy heroin and overdose
A man can dream right?

Heroin no
Krokodil yes

Yeah I reckon this makes sense

where are the trad wifes hiding

I have this weird interest of finding fish in a puddle. I imagine it happens a lot in south america.

Absolutely sovl

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pvre sovl

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the "Venice of the East"


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Don’t know if you’re sarcastic or what, but we actually have decent places to live.
Picrel is called “russian Miami” and it’s great

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me with beer in the shopping bag


I'm gonna live my stalker dream

God I hate living in Eastern Europe
