Why are they intolerant ?

Why are they intolerant ?

Attached: map-of-middle-east-with-borders-of-countries-2ATXX40.jpg (1300x1390, 84.85K)

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High T
You wouldn't know frog
Or are you a Maghrebi cucked by masculine Mashriq BVLLS ? You mad that your women want Mashriqi alphas ?

lara PLEASE show me your breasts

I have no idea what you've just said

Least delusional german

We are extremly tolerant, too tolerant infact

Mental illness

About what, my ram?

We're more tolerant than most european countries

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-09 at 18-42-53 Pb16kw4a6U6_F_e2TwMEsOqbvKQiJ_RrUm4FTKt9Rvk.jpg (WEBP Image 1837 × 1655 pixels) — Scaled (57%).png (1060x955, 1.15M)

Take my beloved Jordanians out of there!

Attached: georgefloyd.jpg (976x549, 53.4K)

They won't let God's chosen people to practice their religion in peace

How come ?

Oh Lara, I thought it was someone else. My country has christians and their churches are still around and functioning.

You're right, I confused you with Tunisia

I apologize. Turkey is alright in my book

Attached: download-43.jpg (1668x3396, 669.66K)

Also they're cool, I almost always go their shops to buy stuff. They're much more honest

Not really


>My country has christians and their churches are still around and functioning.
No one harmed christianity more than turks and you have the least amount christians are by widest margin the most intolerant people in mena. You're also shifty spineless opportunists and outside of hitler and nazis there's no man I respect less than attaturk and the young turks

their culture still frowns upon innovations since the conception of islam
Europe was also like that, but now innovation is synonymous with good things

Christians got the most harm in ottoman empire, Atatürk secularized and westernized Turkey. I don't know what's your point

I wouldn't , my ashkenazi and sephardi genes will not be tainted by a nog

Ataturk was responsible for the largest expulsion and destruction of christianity in history during the 20th century because he wanted to "turkify" the nation. Secularism and westernization doesn't mean shit to me and as a romanian I don't respect it especially when it's under the guise of fascist nationalism

Why are soccer "fans" like this?

Wrong thread buddy

Nation and realigion aren't the same thing retard. You can be a Turk and Christian.

I don't hate Iran. And I know Iranians are friendly to South Korea in general. One thing I really dislike about Iran is that they are just as obsessed with Aryan theory, race and skin color as much as Indians.

we're more tolerant than you people

Shahar moment :3

>ashkenazi sephardi mutt
>scared of nogs
literally pic related

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-09 at 19-14-49 fc4.jpg (JPEG Image 1434 × 693 pixels).png (1434x693, 520.25K)

You will never be a real mena

That's not what the young turks thought or did. Anatolian chrisians were expelled into the levant, greece and iraq after ww1. The young turks hated religion and saw it and undermining the state but if you're going to have unity you need one nation one religion instead of a multiethnic multi religious country which is why you still have conflicts with kurds and all your neighbors.

We're better :)

the heat

Intolerance is a normal survival trait. Tolerance leads to capitulation and surrender.

there is a difference between hating people who happened to be christian and hating people for being christian

Hows the weather in glendale

he's right though, your country's apparent tolerance of other religions doesn't have to be put to the test when 99.9% Muslim or nominally Muslim. Turkey, if it was still 20% Christian, would actually test your tolerance

I know