Do you find flags fascinating in your country?

Do you find flags fascinating in your country?

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We have the least fascinating flag on earth

Do you love Poland?

japanese literally have goatse flag

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Our flag doesn’t come from panslav flag

>pan-X colors
retarded concept given that some slavic languages aren't mutually intelligible and there's nothing slavs hate more than other slavs

theres nothing portuguese hate more that brazilians

>Source: my asshole

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Nigga everyone hates brazilians, you don't?

You picture is pulled out of someones ass
Our flag was originally the same as Polish but we added the blue triangle in 1920to distinguish it. More than 70 years after panslavism died.

i don't

>We just accidentally chose the Pan-Slavic colors bro!

What about Slovakia?

VGH… the panslavic flags of the USA, UK, France, Netherlands, Norway, Chile and Thailand

All those countries chose their flags before Pan-Slavic colors existed, or without being aware of their existence
Neither applies to Czech flag

no combination of red white blue is slavic in origin
it's copied from French revolution colors like USA copied from France
dumb bulgar


If your flag's crest gets changed to a double headed white eagle, no one would think of Byzantium

Not really fascinated but I like to learn about the history behind the symbols, colors, etc.
Also the green in modern bulgaria's flag has nothing to do with Islam.