In the German general here on Any Forums it is very common for people to report each other to the police...

In the German general here on Any Forums it is very common for people to report each other to the police, just recently some guy posted an audio recording of his interrogation with the thought police that he had to do in the first because someone from the thread (we call him "Maji" because that's the name of a board game he designed) filed a complaint.
Now needless to say such an audio recording isn't legal and the same guy who filed the original one filed another complaint.
Previously Maji also dragged a different poster to court, who had his 10k€ gaymen-PC destroyed and is now a convicted "right wing extremist".

Does this happen in your cunt's general?

Attached: bart.png (427x390, 11.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's what you get for being a sitzpinkling, Green-voting gutmensch

Are you all insane?
I thought they showed up and beat you with clubs just to make you stop resisting (talking).

How the fuck do you even doxx each other?

nah, it's all automated here

Attached: 1656793750554.jpg (720x1309, 518.27K)

show his game I wanna see how it is

>posting in trannygenerals
You deserve it, they killed Any Forums, now it's flooded with thirdoid dogs.

The box is way too large btw kek

Attached: maji.jpg (600x400, 25.5K)

was laberst du für ne scheiße du spinner
das ist 1 mal passiert

They don't. They file a police complaint, police asks Hiroshimoot to gib the IP address, Hiroshimoot probably just complies because it's simpler that way and/or because Germoney is part of the EU and is therefore worth paying attention to. But somehow I doubt that Hiroshimoot would do the same if the government of Saudi Arabia wanted the IP address of someone who was gayposting.

Apparently the one who had his gaymen-PC destroyed knew some posters irl and the guy who reported him (Maji) is an autist who collected info on him and finally found out who he was.
The other guy literally is a schizo and has previously posted his ID.

That's apparently not how it works, otherwise half the thread would be behind bars now.
All the servers are in the US, free speech is therefore protected and the 4chins team seems to realize that it's one of the selling points of this place...
Durstler wurde 1x angezeigt, der Halleneet nun schon 2x.

hab die geschichte mit dem gayming pc verpasst. hast du ein paar stichwörter damit ich das im archiv finden kann?

Naja such einfach nach "Durstler" oder "Dursti".
Kann man auch hier nachlesen:

>Durstler wurde 1x angezeigt, der Halleneet nun schon 2x.
kurzes rennrunter bidde

What a nation of faggots.

Zum Durstler siehe: Der Halleneet ist halt uniron ein Schizo und hat mal ein Bild von sich vor einer Synagoge pfostiert, dabei hat er dieses Handzeichen gemacht, wo Daumen und Zeigefinger einen Kreis bilden, sein Gesicht war auf dem Bild auch zu sehen (dieses "white supremacy"-Zeichen halt), seinen Perso hat er glaube ich vorher schon pfostiert.
Dann wurde er der Polizei noch am gleichen Tag gemeldet (denke mal vom Majus) und dann wurde er vom VS zum Verhör geladen, die Audioaufnahme hat er dann im Faden pfostiert. Dafür hat Maji ihn nochmals angzeigt. Mal sehen was jetzt kommt.

your mom is a faggot

>wo Daumen und Zeigefinger einen Kreis bilden
seit wann ist das denn ein weißes überlegenheits symbol???
Ist das nicht alles schon lange her?

I still blame Luther and Hegel for that

Wow Germans have freedom of speech.

>Germans germaning around

nobody has you retard

and still try to get other germans punished lmao

Feels good to be a third wolder (not really but rn it does). My gov doesn't care as long as I mind my own business.

Ich will Deutsch lernen aber /Deutsch/ scheint so autistisch zu sein

deine mutter ist autistisch