My mom still call Russians "Soviets", and calls Russia "Soviet"

My mom still call Russians "Soviets", and calls Russia "Soviet".

Are there any Any Forumsernational foe pass in your country?

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My dad does the reverse. He calls Soviets Russians. And calls every ex-Soviet except Ukraine Russians

To be fair, it's the same old gang in charge of the same old people below them.

The West/Evil murica/Gayropeans/LGBT reptileans

When I was a kid everyone was anti-islam

People still call Inuit 'Eskimos.'

My mother doesn't call Canadians anything, because you're not a cool country to come up with names for you, but she 100% calls USA as Pindostan and American as Pindos.

>My mother doesn't call Canadians anything, because you're not a cool country to come up with names for
Sounds like a win in my books!

my ex was russian and my mom asked why i was dating a commie

Does it really? Oof

My father calls all Germans fascists. Tell it your father

Hitler's two biggest mistakes were killing the jews, the most productive and competent race, and failing to eradicate your species.

My dad told me seeing cyrilic letters still invokes a fight or flight response from his brain

>failing to eradicate your species
It turns out that evolution is on the side of the Russians. Because you have lost natural selection and, moreover, in your current version, represent a minority, dependent state whose only freedom is the choice of its master - Russia, the United States, or China.
Proof me wrong, subrussian.

americans live rent free in your old babushka mothers head lmao

>americans live rent free in your old babushka mothers head lmao
You're not the only American here, you idiot. Others say otherwise.

my mom cried from happiness and sadness when Romania entered EU, she was happy for them, more hopeful instead of happy but happy nonetheless

is that why russia uses latin letters such as Z

>Hitler's two biggest mistakes were killing the jews
>the most productive and competent race

>It turns out that evolution is on the side of the Russians. Because you have lost natural selection
You birth has rate collapsed, hardly proving natural selection is on the Russian side

>a master

America and China are superpowers that tower over the rest. You are a gas station. That is all you will ever be. A pipeline with nukes. That is the fate of the great Russian empire. And after this winter, we will be weened off your gas. What will you have left then? ahahahahahahahahaha.

>choice of its master - Russia, the United States, or China.
Russian delusion is so completely surreally insane, it is genuinely scary. What a twisted and beaten culture can actually convince itself of such delusion? What the absolute fuck.

My mother asked when russia changed their flag.
"I thought it was red"
This was in the 2010s.

Most of people in the world think that Myanmar is still called Burma

Attached: 0987654345678.png (1920x1080, 761.09K)

I call them that, because Burmese Python makes sense, but Myanmarese Python doesn't sound right.