Obesity rates in thirdie countries are exploding...

Obesity rates in thirdie countries are exploding, but they're not wealthy enough to deal with the costs to economic productivity and the healthcare system yet. It's OVER.

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Free eugenics

Good. More fat girls for me.

Das rite skinny boi
*eats your ass*

if they can get fat they aren't really third world

oh silly user

Except climate change and droughts and resulting loss of cattle will fuck over Africa immensely and stop the rise of obesity there

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I will not allow that to happen.

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you got a cloudbuster?

Degenerate architects spotted
Do you have any idea how easily seed oils are injected into everything and can be sold for? It's a great way to ruin your hormones for cheap price

I have peanut butter humanitarian packets.

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based and peatpilled

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today I ate meatballs deep-fried in seed oil
and guess what... tomorrow I won't buy some fries and 4 cheeseburger
now shut up fat

just wait, we will be malnourished Nigros again, now that inflation is almost 2 digits for the first time in 20 years in Colombia.

Enjoy dying a death that's hardly better than following a dangerous tiktok trend.

I'm very close to posting fat italian girls

They'll starve soon enough with the impending economic collapse.

this is the country with the highest life expectations, obese fatlard

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post some english dentist or a good english dish instead

haha imagine a girl eating all of that

you asked for it my sweet

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she looks american

She's Italian and she's a cutie. And she will be the norm soon.

healthiest American meal

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his parents are americans and she's disgusting. she doesn't even deserve to be treated like a person
alongside with a healthy diet coke