Do Egyptian schools teach kids about the time God stroke them with 10 plagues during history class ?

Do Egyptian schools teach kids about the time God stroke them with 10 plagues during history class ?

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They teach the Pharoah of Exodus was a Hyksos. and that the plagues only affected the hyksos and not the native egyptians.

No, we learn about it in religion class

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not them
the egyptians that used to live there before arabs, and this is according to the tanah which is jewish tradition dont think egyptians teach tanah.

What the heck ? Are they dumb ?

But the Exodus is part of your history

We wuz egyptians and Moses, they are bedouins from Yemen

They were mostly infidels who believed a man is a God, they deserved it.

I believe Moses is actually this pharoah, Ahmose I,

Ahmose I was an Egyptian pharoah from Upper Egypt who conquered and defeated the Hyksos who were foreign oppressive tyrants who ruled Lower Egypt. Ahmose I overthrew the Hyksos pharoah, Khamoudi. Thus liberating all of Egypt.

During the time of Moses, Lower Egypt was under the rule of the Hyksos who were Canaanites who took over Lower Egypt. The Hyksos oppressed the Israelites because of the Hyksos were Canaanites who had a rivalry with the Hebrews.

But Moses (Ahmose I) overthrew the evil Pharoah and freed his people so that they could conquer the land of Canaan.

He sent plagues on the families of all the nobility of Egypt who were Hyksos, and drowned the Hyksos Pharoah and the Hyksos army at the sea, thus freeing Egypt from Hyksos tyranny.

The old Egyptians got replaced

I know, I never said the opposite

That is why Jehovah will soon again bring the same severe judgement upon Egypt for mistreating His people

I refuse to believe that current egyptians are the same ones who built pyramids and used calendar. No I will not listen to your opinion

>That is why Jehovah will soon again bring the same severe judgement upon Egypt for mistreating His people
This is directly contradicted by the Torah which states that God will never again strike a plague like this again against Egypt.

"There shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there has never been, nor ever will be again." - Exodus 11:6

God promises he will never strike Egypt with such plagues in the future again.

Mexicans build pyramids and now are favelados that migrate to USA, what is your point?

The consider the following: As The Encyclopedia Americana (1956, Vol. 14, p. 595) says:
“The only detailed account of them [the Hyksos] in any ancient writer is an unreliable passage of a lost work of Manetho, cited by Josephus in his rejoinder to Apion.”

Statements attributed by Josephus to Manetho are the source of the name Hyksos. Interestingly, Josephus, claiming to quote Manetho verbatim, presents Manetho’s account as directly connecting the Hyksos with the Israelites.

Josephus, it seems, accepts this connection but argues vehemently against many of the details of the account. He seems to prefer the rendering of Hyksos as “captive shepherds” rather than “king-shepherds.” Manetho, according to Josephus, presents the Hyksos as conquering Egypt without a battle, destroying cities and “the temples of the gods,” and causing slaughter and havoc. They are represented as settling in the Delta region.

Finally the Egyptians are said to have risen up, fought a long and terrible war, with 480,000 men, besieged the Hyksos at their chief city, Avaris, and then, strangely, reached an agreement allowing them to leave the country unharmed with their families and possessions, whereupon they went to Judea and built Jerusalem.—Against Apion, I, 73-105 (14-16); 223-232 (25, 26).

Therefore, the Hyksos are a meme. It was simply the story Hebrews, very badly told by Manetho.

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Those are different people

Josephus is not Scripture, and Egyptians are free to interpret the story of Exodus however they like.

I didn't speak of plagues. There shall never be such a great cry, because there will be no one left to cry, as Egypt and all other governments will be completely and utterly destroyed by Jehovah (Daniel 2:44)

He will settle a neverending Kingdom from heaven to rule upon the earth, cleansed of all wickedness and on which only the righteous servants of God shall prosper. (Psalms 37:29)

That is not in accordance with Scripture, in fact the Bible promises that Egypt will be blessed by God in the future:

"In that day five cities in Egypt will speak the language of Canaan and swear allegiance to the LORD Almighty. One of them will be called the City of Destruction. [2]
In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the LORD at its border.
It will be a sign and witness to the LORD Almighty in the land of Egypt. When they cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them.
So the LORD will make himself known to the Egyptians, and in that day they will acknowledge the LORD. They will worship with sacrifices and grain offerings; they will make vows to the LORD and keep them.
The LORD will strike Egypt with a plague; he will strike them and heal them. They will turn to the LORD, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them.
In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together.
In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth.
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."

-Isaiah 19

You can't interpret history, it either happened or didn't happen. The Hyksos as reported by Josephus and Manetho are not historical, they are a distortion of the true events of the Exodus. Since Joseph’s elevation to power and the benefits it brought Israel were by divine providence, there is no need to seek some other reason in the form of friendly “Shepherd Kings.” (Ge 45:7-9)

It is obvious that Manetho’s account, actually the foundation of the “Hyksos” idea, simply represents a garbled tradition, one that developed from earlier Egyptian efforts to explain away what took place in their land during the Israelite sojourn in Egypt !!

The tremendous effect on the country produced by Joseph’s ascension to the position of acting ruler (Ge 41:39-46; 45:26); the profound change his administration brought, resulting in the Egyptians’ sale of their land and even of themselves to Pharaoh (Ge 47:13-20); the 20-percent tax they thereafter paid from their produce (Ge 47:21-26); the 215 years of Israelite residence in Goshen, with their eventually exceeding the native population in number and strength, according to Pharaoh’s statement (Ex 1:7-10, 12, 20); the 10 Plagues and the devastation they wrought not only on the Egyptian economy but even more so on their religious beliefs and the prestige of their priesthood (Ex 10:7; 11:1-3; 12:12, 13); the Exodus of Israel following the death of all Egypt’s firstborn and then the destruction of the cream of Egypt’s military forces at the Red Sea (Ex 12:2-38; 14:1-28)—all these things certainly would require some attempted explanation by the Egyptian official element.


There is nothing in the Torah to suggest the Pharoah of Exodus was not a Hyksos - Judaism allows for other interpretations of the Bible as long as it is not contradicting the main teachings of the Torah - this is what midrashim are for.

Egyptians teaching amongst themselves that Exodus Pharoah was a Hyksos is just midrashim and aggadot.

I know that Islam doesn't allow picking a favorite out of the prophets since they're all great people, but since I was a kid I was most attracted to Moses stories, and came to love him more after finding out about how it came out to be we have to pray 5 times and Al-Khidr story.
