I don't get it

I don't get it

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implying the USA was built off slave labor

every single nation on earth was built by slave labor

Christ buck breaking went too far, now there are buck babies

They might've broken that buck a bit too hard heh heh but who can blame the boys for being enthusiastic.

Buck status

Is that LeBron?

>be american
>give birth to flags instead of babies

powerful. Talking about buckbreaking is a pivotal part of black healing.


Molest a kid and watch them go crazy

Not black peoples fault

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You know what they say down south;

"Take a buck - break a buck"

getting strong whiffs of bussy from this thread

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you cleaned minefield with innocent german children, you sick fuck

america is nigger shit

holy coperino

It's called art and because you fart.

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I don't get it.

New Silent Hill?

Pic of Dr Goldberg circumcising the baby five minutes after birth

Attached: AmericanFlagTorn.jpg (612x380, 29.62K)

I'm black and I find this disgusting and weird. But wait everyone will attribute this schizo to me and every other black guy. I hate this place sometimes.

his shit goes hard frfr no cap

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Funniest shit I ever saw

But blacks gave birth to America, without blacks america would not exist, blacks buil it.
I've never seen an image that depicts this beautiful hisotry so well. I must save it and proliferate it through several media channels as soon as I can before the racists take it down
Black Lives Matter yo