Why didn't these niggas help their Orthodox Byzantine brothers during the Crusades? where tf were they at this time?

Why didn't these niggas help their Orthodox Byzantine brothers during the Crusades? where tf were they at this time?

Attached: orthodox.png (900x726, 312.85K)

Bulgarians are uniornically one of the major reasons of the fall of the byzantine empire

At the time they were too busy unsuccessfully fending off the Mongols.

*injects krokodil*
*sells his mother and sister as a sex slave*
*loses a battle with a 10 to 1 advantage*
*puts a bottle up his ass*

mongols didn't arrive until decades after the fourth crusade bro

Orthodog xurx is a meme but catholic church is worse, the pope unironically supported rebel protestant princes during religious wars. Christianity in general terms is a meme and catholicism just added the pedo greasy mafia italian mindset to it.

Attached: 9797.jpg (400x400, 46.99K)

Is there a feeling of unity between Orthodox Christians? How do you feel about Ethiopian Christians?

I think Ethiopians are Oriental Orthodox, we're Eastern Orthodox

1) we wasnt orthodox retard
2) mongolian hordes was around us

just open a map idiot

Orthodox church considers Ethiopians and copts to be heretics

What's the difference? I was watching some YouTube video and Ethiopians were calling Russia and Armenia their "Orthodox Brothers". I don't know anything about Christianity. What even is "orthodox"? I saw a lot of them in Israel.

Why would two states who hated the Byzantines help them survive? Nigga you think Bulgaria or Serbia cared, no. They were happier for it.

well you wasnt romans

maybe not peasants at the time, but I bet a lot of the nobles along with the king were. the Rus converted to Christianity around 989 AD, there was plenty of time for conversions before the 1st crusade

What religion did they follow before Christianity?

yeah interesting why

Attached: end of xiv.jpg (1600x1120, 718.3K)

idk man really, I'm not well-read on the differences between the two. I think Copts have their own pope (which is why for example we call the Pope in Rome "papa rimski" (Roman Pope) to distinguish him from other popes in cities like Alexandria). I think oriental orthodox are those groups that sided against the Byzantine hierarchy and adopted alternative views (like monophysitism) whereas Greeks, Russians, Romanians, etc. adhered to the Byzantine orthodoxy

unironically tengri


mudhuts and AIDS. they weren't in a position to help anyone

pagan faiths mostly, e.g. Slavonic, Old Norse, Finno-Ugrian and maybe some Baltic influence