Why does Ukraine produce so many prostitutes?

why does Ukraine produce so many prostitutes?
>inb4 they're poor
so are Greeks but you don't see their women whore themselves across Europe

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Greece is extremely wealthy in comparison to Ukraine

i am greek

Greece is nowhere poor as ukraine


At least their whores get paid.

there's too many human traffic in eastern europe
imagine believing this lmao

My student advisor in school told me "Find a job where you do what you are good at, it will keep you happy and healthy longer than a job with higher pay which you aren't happy doing".

I think Ukrainian girls are just good at sex.

Greece is literally one of the richest countries in the world.

>so are Greeks
kek, Greece is richer than most of the Slavs, they are Portugal-tier.

Good looking girls + easy money
Why do you think OF and ethots got famous?

slavs/slaves were literally bred for it

Greeks so poor they can't afford travel

Bro, have you seen Ukrainian girls? They're probably the hottest in the world amd I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but I've never seen an attractive Greek person in my whole life

why so mean you made me cry


Probably not that many Greeks in Germany

You shouldn't compare them to Greece but the third world. Most prostitutes are latinas here and I'm sure it's the same in the USA.

It's not that they HAVE to whore themselves out in western brothels, it's that they WANT TO. There is a great abundance of natural resources and fertile soil in both Russia and Ukraine, enough so that every citizen wouldn't go hungry, but the thing with (slavic in particular) women is that they crave more, they are never content with "just" food security and a place to live. They crave the western life style and all it entails, social media and never ending dopamine rush, harems of cuckolds and betaATMs, abortion rights, ability to monetize your cunt, zero consequences of whatever dumb shit you come up with etc.


Greece gets clowned on because of the debt crisis, but they are doing alot better for themselfs than the slav lands