What the fuck America

Seriously, what is this shit

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holy based

>Just one more road, We promise it will solve traffic this time goy.

Most of that empty space is parking lots

I'm not talking about the empty space, I'm talking about all the fucking highways making loop di loops around each other like some fucking 10 year old drew them

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Actually this though, Some burger cities were basically totally destroyed during the baby boom because urban planners way overestimated how fast the population would growth would evolve overtime and mandated massive amounts of space be zoned for public parking.

Some cities like Oklahoma city and and a lot of cities in TX are apparently half open air public car parks because of this

Hey, there's public transport in that picture you commie fuck

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Normal people build their shit around nature, not angloids.

Cars and their consequences have been a disaster for mankind

We build nature around our shit

shit just looks like spaghetti
also this is not even in populated areas, The OP pic is from fucking Utah

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Just like me in Cities Skylines, spaghetti layout best layout

they have a theory that you absolutely need to pass these junktions at over 100kmh speed, overwise its communism

but it only benefits heavy vehicle probably while rather confusing for smaller vechicles, like normal cars, because shit's just giant

It's really just on huge 12 lane highway where a bunch of different ramps and other highways are merging in the middle of salt lake city

Does salt lake city really need 12 highway lanes?

It has 200k inhabitants.
My home town has the same and manages with 4

Why don't they make a one huge road instead of a bunch of small tiny roads

No. Urban planners are fucking retarded boomers that basically have the mentality of "this is the way it is now so might as well continue". The more you learn about the US the more it's about going along with shitty ideas because the alternative is starting over and that is too much work.

But burgers don't have public transport or bikes.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-08 at 14-25-52 quote-you-can-always-count-on-americans-to-do-the-right-thing-after-they-ve-tried-everything-winston-churchill-5-62-98.jpg (JPEG Image 850 × 400 pixels).png (850x400, 294.81K)