I'm so glad Brazil is finally collapsing

I'm so glad Brazil is finally collapsing.

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Doesnt matter

I just wanna see you fuckers suffering

I cannot wait for a war with Nato

90% of humanity hate you fuckers

I dont care about nothing

Just to see you fuckers paying

Youre not humans

Youre SCUM

Why do you think we will suffer?

Here's what I do with my leftovers.

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If the West iskill who'll give brownoids their gibs

Worldwide famine isn't a joke. The future will not be easier on any particular country.


why can't we all get along? :(

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why is it always "worldwide" when it really only is about a couple of shitskins from the turd world?

I hope Bolsonaro kills every subhuman commie in Brazil

>worldwide famine
you mean overpopulated shitholes that rely on poisoning the earth with fertilizers just to keep the birth rate growing? fuck that.

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>Worldwide famine isn't a joke.
both US and EU have huge agricultural surplus after you substract the consumption.
it's not going to be worldwide famine, it's gonna be thirdie famine

This, wejust need to put up automated machine gun nests that shoot unauthorized intruders at the external borders and all is fine

and we'll make the external border stop at Germany

Lowly man, your whole existance is bending down and licking the feet of a man who cares absolutely 0 about you

You really think so, huh? Our crop failings and corporations shutting down family farm operations say otherwise. No country is safe.

just grow potatoes

Because the global food supply is globally circulated.


there's a difference between a famine and having less variety
you ain't going to starve but you sure as fuck won't be eating 10USD/pop avocado toasts

i don't think about you at all

>live in rain forest
>struggle for food

Yes, they should eat the tree bark, Boris, great idea.

>Because the global food supply is globally circulated.

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Name ONE bad thing about the brownoid belt starving to death

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Does Australia have good farm land? The worst thing we'll miss out is sweet corn.

Not my problem

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How does a cunt not have grain? that shit is the easiest thing to grow. They're an eyesore here since they keep growing in the wild

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