Why does everyone he touch turn to shit?

Why does everyone he touch turn to shit?

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literally who

Superbad was good THOUGH

"People" like Seth Rogan are the reason I wish the holocaust would've actually happened

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Jews?

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No it fucking wasn’t, all of those 2000s Judd Apatow movies were shit.

He's Jewish

>car gets broken into
>seth rogen responds with some retarded defense of LA

man any respect I had for the guy is now lost

which one is wrong? they are both jews

Technically they're both wrong, then. Rogan for being a cunt, and thinking LA is anything but a festering boil, and Neistat because his tech startup was shit.

Oh and also for being Jewish, obviously.

crime should be normalized if you live in a big city?
what kind of fucked up logic is that

The boys were good

he touched boys?

why do so many jews have these beady black soul-stealing eyes
it's creepy

They were good for their time but now we've all grown up.

Sarah Marshall sucked ass, Superbad was good and I still like it
40 year old virgin was okay but every Steve Carell comedy is a 6/10

because he's an evil sleazy kike
it was good before his grubby jew hands ever molested it

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Cause he's Jewish

I mix him up with that other guy