Latinos still blame us for ruining their countries even now

We didn't invade you and force you to be shitholes, everything down there is literally not our problem. We just took advantage of your naturally shitty societies, the only exceptions who can blame us are Panama, Cuba, and Haiti who we actually did invade and even then we didn't really do that much damage compared to what they did themselves.

>Muh resource extraction

Your politicians agreed to this, blame them not us.

>Muh coups

Your armed forces and large portions of your population agreed to this

>Muh cartels

You could have found some other way to make money instead of drugs and have a functioning police force and political system that isn't a corrupt joke. Mexico gets to gripe a little more due to some bad policy on our end but their presidents still go easy on the cartels.

>Muh economy

We didn't make Argentina default like 10x, Brazil suck despite having almost infinite natural resources, or Venezuela go retarded.

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hey i dont think you made this thread in good faith

You literally did. You developed Europe after the world war and turned our countries into shitholes so we didnt end "communist" lmao. After all you don't want to have competition in your own "backyard".

How did America turn Argentina into a "shithole"?

Don't care, I'm still moving to the US to lower your income even more.

Brazil is not latin american.

You blame us for your problems on every election

The media focuses on the outliers. Less than .01% of Americans actually think Latinx are the problem.

>We didn't invade you
Yes, you did

>Your armed forces and large portions of your population agreed to this
Not true.
When the army couped our government your country had several ships ready to bombard the capital if the president decided to resist

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Im 100% sure that if you idiots were to be more responsible with that second amendment of yours, violence in my country would go down by a lot, but maybe you just want your childs dead

Do you still blame america though?

>Le second amendment bad!

Kys retarded brown mongrel, mexicans should be allowed to buy and use guns against brown criminals

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Americans just can't go a day without a school shooting
>but what if government turns into muh totalitarianism, we would clearly defend ourselves from those airstrikes with muh AR 15s

Partially, yes

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>there are people that actually think this

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>There are people who don't
Apuesto que al mismo tiempo celebras el levantamiento armado de los Zapatistas como el típico zurdo doble moral.

What about white criminals? Seems like everyone already knows who those are.

Right wingers only care about petty crimes.

Toca pasto