Millions of Germans will freeze to death this winter because no gas

>millions of Germans will freeze to death this winter because no gas

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Germany is a stonethrow from Italy, they don't have winter

You really believe that shit?

It's going to be hilarious.

it's true

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God i wish that was true, russians should finish the job they couldn't in 45

And thats a good thing, heres why

Isnt germany mostly woods? Just make a fire lol


making fires is forbidden in germany

they will buy from Iran no worries

Why? How? That's insanity, fire is important and comfy especially if out in nature.

bros I don't want to die

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>millions of Germans will freeze to death this winter because no gas

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Don't forget the Slovakians

Lmao even

Feelsbadman, pls send monies and heat.

wtf france

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Nobody cares about slovakia :(

this wouldn't have happened under Merkel

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maybe we can donate them a few ovens or something

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I hope it gets really bad
I hope a lot of people die

Jew might fall in it

we still have lots in Dachau, no need.

It's necessary that we suffer real hard this winter. Maybe then people will vote green in the future.

They cut down almost everything

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not great, not terrible