Why the Japanese People are a Superior People?


Attached: whyjapanesefrontcover_jpeg.jpg (1700x2200, 267.73K)

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Mmm yes I see.

>Japanese language

Yes, the 1st Emperor of Nihin invented Japanese after hearing it from God.

yes, Let's study Japanese language!

I don't feel like it, it's siesta time good night

Estudia la lengua japonesa!!

Japanese language is very useful for you

Attached: Reasons-to-learn-Japanese-infographic-English-683x1024 (1).png (683x1024, 232.27K)

The superior thread: Come here weebs


Based Boyé Lafayette De Mente

i remember this japanese tv show where they were saying that they had less covid cases becasue nihongo is so elegant and exquisite that there's no risk of spreading the virus.
do nips know that every normal person thinks theyre retarded and bizarre and that the only foreigners who idolise them are mentally ill shut ins? Nips are weak and docile, not to meantian short as fuck and weak lmao

We figured out this is why Estonia and Finland (we just speak shitty version of whatever the other one speaks) are so good at PISA (smartest white countries).

Is Japanese Finno-Ugric?

Attached: PISA-results_ENGLISH.png (1181x2550, 421.77K)

Animism. Japanese, Siberians and Native Americans used to be last full o themselves peoples without Semitic influences.
SSA too but they are too demon worshipping fags.
I really envy you fags.

Attached: 9797.jpg (400x400, 46.99K)

i think Agglutinative language is more crear meaning than other type language.

Attached: agglutinative-language-noun-word-order-text-verb.jpg (830x622, 86.33K)

Proof of their high IQ

る ending godan verbs have っ on て and た forms.

i can't believe, still there is a person who doubting Japanese superiority.


I'm not doubting anything my nigga, I'm confirming

tell me a good place to start then mr. nakayama (the /lang/ resources are all in english and even when im quite comfortable with my english im lazy to use english resources to learn another language)

Japanese and Korean people already come here to learn English for cheap