How do Europeans manage to make every aspect of human life gay as fuck?

How do Europeans manage to make every aspect of human life gay as fuck?
>Walkable cities :O
>Cuck wagons :O
>Bicycles :O
>Tiny homes :O
What's next?

Attached: 59d85c92ef5589d5e8e42fe74ae33e22.png (446x481, 292.83K)

If I saw one of those on the street, I’d roll coal and

Don't worry. A few year in gulags will heal your rotten brains.

Ah yes because having a high quality of living is a bad thing according to you thirdies

That thing would get vandalized within an hour parked on a Swedish street

Would you seriously drive that thing?

Is it just me or is that guy kinda annoying

No why would I want one, I don't even need a car

gay sex

Only if it's an immigrant area. Immigrants destroy everything.

canada is the soy central of the new world

As usual

Attached: abhorrent leaves.jpg (900x802, 82.76K)

Those mini cars are used by rich people who are too lazy to bike/walk for short distances within a city

Wrong. The global community acts as if Ontario or Vancouver represents all of Canada, just like how you think all of America is like California

why are you watching that channel just to get mad?

All of Canada is just like california basically

they do though
90% of canadians live there

Alberta and Manitoba are nothing like California

big cars were initially made for tiny dicked men

canadians like idea they are living in rural north, truth is that 95% lives next to american border in dense high rise cities and cookiecutter suburbs that would make even americans jealous.

Attached: new-modern-subdivision-in-hamilton.jpg (1600x1167, 279.02K)

I think it's Not Just Bikes being an impressionable newfag that makes you feel like the shit you see on his videos are annoying.
It's like a newbie on Any Forums who watched a few anime shows and now suddenly talks about it.

I live at lat 62.82° lol fuk u

Its interesting how you associate walking (healthy lifestyle) and compact living (cheap & smart) with getting fucked in the ass
