How is HOMOSEXUALITY viewed in your country ?

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I think people like it more than Islam, they're just scared to admit it in public a lot of the time.

I though the UK was liberal, why would they be afraid to admit it ?

Because they wil be called islamophobic and have their lives cancelled.

I'm a homosexual male

how many bwcs have you taken in the last year

Thoughts on this ?

Reddit, go back

I would fuck both Jesus and his dad if I had the chance

Is it difficult being gay in Mexico? Or are there no problems


Proof ?

will you wear a wig and let me fuck you in the mouth? (no homo)

Why are you gay faggot?


Fossil records prove the Genesis account

if you're in a big city it's not that difficult (you may be called a faggot once in a while) but in some states you're likely to get murdered and be sexually abused
yes it's ok
i love cock

How big was it

I just can't understand these pride shits at all. Ok I get that you want to fuck other dudes in the ass. But why do you need to advertise it? It's your sexual orientation after all. It's neither something to be ashamed of nor something to brag about. Keep it to yourself for god's sake

you're just used to the fact that there's straight pride 24/7 everywhere, now you're a little butthurt over other people do this

meh, why do white/black lives matter fags need to advertise it?