
Attached: 1332946414.jpg (720x720, 40.25K)

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Deja tu lo prieta, esta bien fea.

i can fix her

what is the deal with this woman and why are mexican posters so obsessed with her?

Can't wait for her next movie

People point out that she is ugly and leftoids have a meltdown because of it.

I hate being a ugly Indio manlet


Yalitza explains Mexicans all on her own, her slightly offputting looks and all.

why did the AMLO thread posted by a Brazilian get deleted so quickly?

come back to home with el abuelita

>next movie
Cool story bro

Attached: 1652568303907.jpg (480x480, 43.84K)

si fuera una prieta guapa no la shillearian tanto

I want to have sex with her so bad


Attached: df (29).jpg (720x720, 113.25K)


They crave BWC attention

Why do incels hate that woman so much?

women would be great if they were intelligent

this chap's a bit goofy, he's not all there - so I envy him his youtube career and degree all the more

Basque are ancient
They're not into European

Indo European

I don't think she's ugly. Just unremarkable.

This is one ugly phenotype. Why do people keep posting her?