Why do Americans hate him?

Why do Americans hate him?

Attached: notjustbikes.jpg (1920x1080, 297.2K)

We all wish we were eurochads

Attached: 9897.jpg (610x560, 52.4K)

Because he's white

I don't like bikes. As a pedestrian I find them annoying.

His takes are mid

This guy is obssessed with the Netherlands

Because he tells them uncomfortable truths.

cities are le good and cars are le bad

He’s the symbol of Europeans coping with their rapidly declining standard of living in relation to Americans

Nobody wishes they were poor and stupid

GTFO from my country

Bicycles are cancer
Cyclists are cancer
God Bless Henry Ford (pbuh)
Long live the automobile

Attached: 1648880085099.webm (640x480, 1.88M)

Not just BBCs

You see guys, in fake London it is suburbia and you have to drive cars to the nearest sex shop to get BBC. But in the Netherlands you can take your bike to the nearest BBC parlor which is fancier and more efficient than in America and Canada. They are usually at the bottom of apartment buildings.

>Fake London

Attached: 1599160734860.png (1280x960, 2.28M)

Think of the heckin enviornmentarino!

i like riding my bike but have not heard of this fella except on Any Forums. should i watch his videos?

>riding a bike in the US
You're a brave guy user.

Yes, they are good and he has solid arguments for his beliefs. I wish Costa Rica had walkable cities.

Where's his video on how to reinstate segregation? Considering that's the only way anyone in America will want to use public transportation.


Yes as opposed to the real london, what's hard to get here?

People don't like living in cities in America because they are dangerous and dirty. That's why mass exodus to suburbs happened in the 60-70's.

Until that problem is fixed (it won't), people that can afford to will have a home in peaceful isolated suburbia and drive to work in the city every day.

Attached: Heavily_tagged_subway_car_in_NY (2).jpg (2900x1917, 660.46K)

also 1980's NYC was grimy and stupid dangerous as fuck, but it did have soul

Attached: subway.jpg (1500x999, 244.11K)

and in the late 90s and 2000s it was reasonably nice.

Yeah 90's and 00's is when the city was relatively clean and safe. Now it's slowly becoming into homeless trash again. Noticed that the homeless people are becoming more numerous and dangerous since Covid started.