Is Egypt under some ancient curse or something?

Egypt has a population of 102.3 million with only 3 million hectares of farmland

Iraq has a population of 40.22 million with 5.75 million hectares of farmland.

Despite constant war since the 1990s, Iraq still has a higher GDP per capita than Egypt.

Why is Egypt so overpopulated and poor? Is it due to some traumatic event in the past that they feel the constant need to produce more and more children. Why can't Egyptians be satisfied with having only one firstborn child? Why must they insist on having families of 7 children?

Attached: egypt satellite.jpg (640x640, 102.94K)

they are fat

Iraq literally only has oil and massive amounts of it. Without it they would be way poorer per capita than Egypt.

Israel has a high obesity rate too - not much better than Egypt.

Iraq has the 4th highest oil reserves and most of its economy is oil exports

turd world mindset:
shit children and hope one of them can become sucsessful enough to feed you, a problem seen in bumfuck Anatolia untill the 2000s
this results in high amounts of retard hooligans roaming the country
that's why I support abortion+((((genocide)))) of rapefugees

Attached: türk kurbağa.jpg (832x719, 78.98K)

Iraqis still have not overpopulated their own country to the extent that the Egyptians have.

Food isn't only about land you idiot, Egypt unlike Iraq has plenty of sea territory.

I just don't understand how Egyptians managed to have a higher population than iraq despite Iraq having more farmland than Egypt.

what do you think of turkey's recent fertility nose dive?

:"hurr durr hab kids so I can flex"

Attached: file.png (1282x800, 700.89K)

you sure? most of them also live along the two rivers that course through their country

Egypt is reliant on grain imports to keep their population from starving. Imagine if a war happened or some other catastrophe, and Egypt could not import grain to feed its 100 million+ population sufficiently.

Check the figures for Iraq's population compared to Egypt.

Yes and no, food isn't just about land but not because the sea is an alternative, rather because Egypt has a lot more water resources than Iraq, (the Nile is much bigger than the Euphrates and Tigris) so they can irrigate more and grow more food on less land. Algeria has more farmland than Egypt but we can't grow as much food because rain water isn't enough and we don't have a lot of water sources to use for irrigation, so the yields are poor in comparison.
Irrigation gives a huge boost to yields.

probably because Egypt, unlike Iraq hasn't been embargoed to the stone age by the ZOG
good, we need less people+need to do imperialism so our lower population doesn't result in arrrapes or persians breeding like rabits and invading literally/rapefugeely; so we can keep them down and exploit their cheap labor+resources and be WOLVES among muzzoids and soibois

That's gonna happen soon with Ethiopia.
I wish we'd spend more money into greening the Sahara, it would cause more rainfall.

>+need to do imperialism so our lower population doesn't result in arrrapes or persians breeding like rabits and invading literally/rapefugeely; s

we need to do imperialism ASAP or Persians/Arabs are going to overtake us
and they won't be kind
also ((((genocide)))) rapefugees pls fuck their @LL*H throw their babies against trees+behead them ARAB style+Zyklon B

imperialism where? why would arabs or persians overtake turkey without it? also, if you do imperialism then that will result in MORE refugees in turkey, won't it?

That's impossible no matter how much money you have, the Sahara is really, really big.
We should spend money on developing water sources like desalination and transporting ground water from the Sahara to the north and hauts plateaux, as well as raising the efficiency of the water we use currently, by investing in more efficient irrigation systems and reusing waste water. Basically we should do what Israel did, it's a desert country that solved water issues.

I don't mean all of it of course, just little by little.
Desalination sounds pretty expensive currently, hopefully a better solution is found in the future, it would also help reduce sea level.

>imperialism where?
in the ME, especially Persia
>why would arabs or persians overtake turkey without it?
Arraboid, but more importantly Persianoids hat Turkey's guts and would gladly do anything in their power to fuck us. Having an aging population while they breed like rabbits makes things even harder
>if you do imperialism then that will result in MORE refugees in turkey, won't it?
you can just install gestapos on those shitholes+more border controll+rival ME countries can't fuck you over by delibirately sending rapefugees

Iran doesnt even have that high of a birthrate

Who does Persian hates more, Turkey or Saudi Arabia?

It is expensive but we have to do it, at least for drinking water. Thankfully we have cheap energy that makes it not that bad of a deal.
Algeria is already one of the main countries that use desalination in the world, and we're building 5 new stations that are 300,000 m3/day each.

It was actually falling more and more under Moburuk.
Then the revolution happened in 2011, the muslim brotherhood refound their voice after being censored for decades and Egypt got Islamised.
Morsi won the election, he's in charge for a year and then his defence secretary Sisi stages a coup and throws him in prison where he subsequently died a few years later.

Sisi is the best leader Egypt's had since Nasser and ergo it's slowly falling again. It's unfortunate they didn't maintain the downward trajectory that was in place prior to the arab spring though.

Well if we can afford it then all is good, I still want more Green in our lands though, especially with the rising temperature starting fires.

bigger than us+those retards must give Azeri lands back+can't have mullahoids on our borders supporting geopolitical rivals+drone practice+give more power to based army which will be KEMALİST+SECULARİST BULLS again when enprisioned generals are freed
don't care I just want that shithole bombed+see liveleak DEAD M*LL@Xs to death+profits go to Turkish construction companies

I do too, believe me.
If I had the power to do it I'd plant as many trees as possible.