

Attached: 1657119976338.jpg (1426x1042, 457.59K)

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Who funds projects like these? They know these movies would be box office failures but they still do it anyway.

She shiny

Black Panther did 1.3 billion

So, a queen?

This kills chud cinephiles

Well Jews of course


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West African countries owe me reparations, not the US.

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lesbians get to be kangz

This is the tru BLACK QVEEN instead of that dark brown royalty LARPer fraud.

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There are a lot of blacks in USA,Latam and Europe

(Africans hated that crap tho)

1 - they were generally bald

2 - Dahomey only recruited women because they have sold so many men into slavery that men started to lack

3 - they were totally useless and couldnt even use a gun properly


>Dahomey kingdom
Fuck yeah!
Going to unironically watch this.
Heres little bit of culture for you plebs.

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Black people will go see it, along with white urbanites who think it’s progressive to watch a movie with black people in it

>twitch livestream
>yt live chat

Indog a chud

Unironically true. They sold you into slavery. The American governments started a long, expensive, bloody, and damn near implosive war to free you.

>Make a movie about the slave raiding enforcers of a kingdom founded on slavery and human sacrifice
>They're fighting the people who are trying to abolish said slavery
>That might be bad...
>But they're black
>Yaas queen slayy
Why are American liberals like this

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the nigger kingess

It's a religion. It means you make up whatever you want, worship it, and have it make you feel good.

Already this on the other board
This explains the Browness of that board