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My ancestor :)

Why are turks so gay?


Why did Pajeets fight for the British in such overwhelming numbers while their homeland was occupied without revolting? Seems weird.

this. also what's up with indians serving the brits so slavishly

never happened.

They unironically saw the Europeans as liberators against the Mughals.

didn't all those guards technically go to hell for sodomy

The Ottoman Empire lost.
The West won.

Why are mena pipo like this?

no because they did it to humiliate the enemy not because of sodomite lust. they will be forgiven inshallah

Fuck the british for keeping the ottomons alive.

Frankly, I'd just falter on purpose.

haha turks do be kinda gay, they are subservient to the lebanese over here

Mughals were already a spent force by the time Anglos bought Bengal.
You were just kikes who just took advantage of the disgruntled Indian muslims who had lost power and used them against the Marathas to gain power, and then continued to use them against hindus perpetually to keep the state under constant state of conflict, until you couldnt.
British Indian forces were like ~80% muslim

the balance of power had to be maintained
you must understand

Anglo and pajeet bucks = BROKEN
also inta ezay betnazel pics yasta?

I will never forgive you for the oriental crisis


they had to be kept weak, egypt would've modernised the empire
please understand

ok kinda rude but why what's wrong with "yasta"?

is that actually how it works or you fooling with me. because if its real then pretty based ngl

موبيلكسمك يصتا

Britishers tricked them with promises of autonomy as a reward, just like here

Don't know about pajeets but Bengal kept having revolts.

Only the one who gets fucked is gay. And it was also their punishment as captured soldiers, therefore once again not gay


because they're not one people and brits offered them more than their own society

يسطا اهدى بس وسمي الله يسطا

giwtwm.... (the anglos)

I will never understand i will always rage, you took one of the greatest reformers away from the mid east he couldve raised the entire region to be filled with actual humans instead of the secterian superstitious lazy dogs it is today
I hate you

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