People in your cunt don't drink milk right?

People in your cunt don't drink milk right?

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but why

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thank you skinny vegan from london

I'm a hungry baby.

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I drink bournvita milk everyday
i am 20 yr old

I dont only because I drank too much of it as a child so the taste is repulsive to me now(i have same thing with coffee)
But I still add milk to my cereals.

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I haven't bought milk in years because I never use it fast enough before it goes bad. I enjoy the taste of chocolate milk or even just some nice whole milk with dessert if it's offered.

Vegans were right about drinking breast milk past infancy, nevermind from a 4-nipple massive animal, its like a deranged fetish or something that somehow got normalised

Everyone looks like a baby when you speak from your ivory tower

I used to drink a lot of milk, but then one time I was broke and decided that I won't buy milk that month because it saved me like 30 shekels. Then when I had money again, I bought some milk but it didn't really taste good anymore. And now I haven't drank milk in like ten years

There is a biological timer that stops adults from drinking milk.
Used to drink a litre a day until around age 20 when i started farting and diarrhea everyday from it.

I drink milk with almost every meal and on its own every day


drinking milk by itself is gross, but i can't imagine making a cup of tea without it

I have milk and cereals for breakfast almost everyday and I'm 20

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Why do liberals hate cow milk so much?

brownoid cope

I drink milk everyday since probably ever

This happens to me as well but I still drink it often, the taste is worth it for me

>mfw i drink 2 litres a day

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Milch is top tier product, don't drink it daily only because shops got shitty milk these days


>Early life:
>Raised by two Jewish parents...

>shops got shitty milk these days
ukraine wone Zbros....

I'm more than ok brittlebones, I'm splendid!

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2 liters daily.