Why haven't other Eastern Euro nations unilaterally adopted the Euro like Kosovo and Montenegro did?

Why haven't other Eastern Euro nations unilaterally adopted the Euro like Kosovo and Montenegro did?

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ever heard of Greece?

that was 20 years ago granddad
the euro is a good thing for humanity overall

If you see a bunch of lemmings falling off a cliff you don't join them

because having your own currency is a sign of being sovereign

My Romanian friend in university said the USE was his dream.
I thought this was a common feeling amongst many Eastern Europeans...

it's a literal shitcoin with a french woman in charge of the money printing machine

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Why would a nation naturally want to adopt the Euro? Do you even know what it is? Do you know why we didn't ever adopt it? Do you know what independent monetary policy is?

Adopting Euro was a huge mistake

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Wonder how much worse our situation would be right now if we had adopted the Euro.

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Advantages of Euro adoption
>No transaction costs
>Facilitation of business/trade
>Price transparency
>Inter-regional cooperation
>Multiplier effect of increased trade > jobs > GDP
>Certainty of investment, again augmenting the multiplier effect

if eastern european nations become richer than there's no down side to it
The drawbacks are from how lazy med niggas are and how poor slav niggas are
Get them developed (as nations like Poland are doing expediently) and it's a great idea.

The time is ripe. Euro will break....

You forgot the "being worthless" and "tied to debt ridden shitholes" parts

kek our finance minister just resigned
>what does this mean?

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you're still joining though, right?

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yes but at what cost?

how come it was better when an Italian was in charge? One would think Italians didn't know how to run banks

>if your economy goes to shit you have ZERO means to devalue your currency to encourage investment, tourism, etc.
>you give the fate of your entire nation to a foreign institution and become entirely reliant on them not being retards (lol)

All your explanations are meme responses with no basis in reality.
>having to exchange currency across the border is SOOOO HARD, trade would be immeasurably increased and jobs would flourish if this incredibly difficult process was abolished
Remain lost. Get over it.

Because Draghi was based.

this, investors trust countries with their own central bank because they can just print their debt away, europoor countries simply can't do it.
If greede had their own currency it would've never defaulted

didn't you niggas literally invent banks