Thirdies in the west have to send thousands of dollars back to their extended families in thirdieland every year or...

Thirdies in the west have to send thousands of dollars back to their extended families in thirdieland every year or they will starve to death. Every single brown person you see is personally responsible for the lives of 50 brown third worlders back in their country of origin.

Attached: pepe-tuxedo-ne.png (639x607, 122.65K)

I knew a Brazilian girl working as a cleaner who was providing for her entire middle class family and her fathers cancer with her savings

In Qatar the lines to the wire transfer booths at the malls were always super long.

I set aside $15,000 a year for my parents to send back home when they retire. I am their retirement fund. Whiteoids will never understand this because they literally live tutorial mode lives.

uhh conflict of interest much? this is why i dont trust brownoids, u never know where their loyalties lie

>I am their retirement fund.
Because you let this happen.

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>pop out a baby and send him off to america
>live life on easy neeto mode
god i wish i was this free

The entire Mexican economy would instantly collapse if the USA stopped people from sending money there from the US.

No I fucking don't.

Most of Latin America is heavily dependent upon remittances from the USA.

The same thing would happen to the entire Filipino economy if their people stopped sending money from other countries.

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>Most of Latin America is heavily dependent upon remittances from the USA.


You only think it is funny because it is true.

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Prove it

It's your responsibility to prove it wrong.

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25% of seafarer are flips
we will fill your ships with pagpag if you don't pay

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yeah working class people like to makes babies like it´s a hobby, i´m pretty sure the somalis and nafries in finland do the same

It do be like that everywhere.

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If you completely banned this practice, how much would immigration decrease?

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We should ban this practice.

Attached: pepepiippunen.png (1055x845, 598.25K)