Do Westernization always win in the end?

Do Westernization always win in the end?

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Before and after BBC


Liberalism is a direct source of success and people understand this. I mean thirdies are only now slowly getting to know this because they have an opportunity to escape their brainwashing environment, but the Dutch realized it in the 18th century already

you are the new furries/bronies
im not using this site until the admins create a containment board and autoban every single one of you discord trannies

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This. Big Belarusian Cock removes all women inhibitions.

which country is she from?
and idk since a lotof muslim countries associate westernization with jews, theyre still against jt for the majority and probably wont change much with how important religion is to a lot of them

made for big basque cock

As if chuds would ever stay in their containment zones


Women are naturally sluts. That's why they shouldn't be allowed to go outside unless the husband permit it with an escort.

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>Liberalism is a direct source of success
West became successful when it was conservative and traditional. And liberalism is a direct source of its decay.

The least indoctrinated Russian

Left: Ghost
Right: Walrus

why do you keep doing this

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What's going on here? Two lesbians getting married?

A gay imam weds a lesbian muslim couple during Stockholm Pride

Yeah... nah. Theres never been a great"conservative" president. Ike, reagan, clinton, obama, both roosevelts, lincoln washinton, adams, jeffersok, madison all liberals. All social liberals and most finacial conservatives

W, Trump, nixon, ford, hoover, etc were "conservatives" here meaning social conservatige, fincial liberal.

The normie wife is cute. Also, is that a 7-Eleven tablecloth? lols...


maybe hitler wasnt so bad after all