What do you think about West Asians?

What do you think about West Asians?

Attached: MDLPwestasian.png (1600x1228, 982.47K)

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My 0.1% ancestors :)

Brown people

The term asian is too broad, i hope they introduce a new term

west asia is the best

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You already got one. Chinese.

why do they always depict Israelites dressing similar to Arabs
did they actually wear stuff like that or is it all speculation

I like them. Have you heard about Armenians? They're pretty cool

Attached: Armenian_Fedayees_1890-1896.jpg (626x369, 50.28K)

Very bloody time period unfortunately

How is Sweden? Did you do your military service back home

no it does not
they are wearing sandals which everyone did and talit which is a hebrew thing.

Attached: 1629566726921.jpg (700x700, 41.29K)

most likely speculation, sons of Jacob want to be Ishmaelites( the chosen son) so bad

Their rabbis wear headress like our sheikhs

Attached: B3BAE09B-1DCB-4669-8EDA-513229CE2A89.jpg (391x264, 32.8K)

They were burqas and kill random people for not being of their religion.

yeah sure its just towel thingy but the thing that hold it looks like the arab headdress

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u mad?

Attached: 1564235704233.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

most likley copies from arabs, despite what jews want to present to the world they copied a lot of things historically from arabs, dont forget that they lived under arab rule and influence for hundreds of years

You aren’t real Asians

>implying Arabs came up with that attire of nowhere
It predates sumerians by at least 100k years. It was عyyliens actually


We Swedes do not have cumpolsory military service and no I have never served in the military. Please disregard earlier post as I didn't realize what time period it was. I'm not well read on late 1800s ottoman empire

Asia is what the Greeks used to call West Asia. Chinese are not real Asians.

thats why i asked tho
i wondered if israelites originally wore an iteration of it

I am half Armenian (wish I were full Armenian).

Attached: my dna_old.png (1037x853, 457.22K)

a band around you head isnt an arab thing mesopotamians are depicted with them long before any depictions of arabs with them avraham was from mesopotamia.

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theres nothing to think, im one of them

Those are Persians

Thank allah i’m a chink

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arabs are the rightful heirs of abraham so you dont have the right to dress like abraham only the rightful heir

native americans literally invented head bands on their own
i dont think that has any connection to the arab headdress

brown alliance
its purpose to have sex with blonde aryan women

Jews and Arabs, don't fight please. We are brown people. We are Greeks, Romans, Persians, Egyptians, Turks, Jews, Arabs and many more small communities. We existed as world formed. We created the civilization. We colonized lands. We invented technology. We created many religions. We fought with each other so many times, yet all of us standing. We created and destroyed religions/gods. Hard times come, hard times go but we will continue to eternity.

Southern Spain confirmed not Arab

>the Afghan poster was actually a Hazar all along

It's well known they are nafri

arabs are not related
avraham is the founder of judaism
well yea its a simple article of clothins it was probably invented independently in many places but the ones around east asia are from mesopotamia.

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I’m not Hazara, I’m half Uzbek half Tajik
Altho Hazaras are valid

Romans were white silly goose

Attached: MDLPneareast.png (1600x1228, 968.66K)

This is just you misinterpreting the map though. It clearly has no data for southern spain, the only thing the map actually tells us is that the Spanish sample is more west asian than the maghreb. South spain is colored less gray because it's closer to the maghreb data point. The dots show all the actual samples, the colours in between are just guesswork

the map clearly shows that Italians are western asian(brown)

>half Uzbek half Tajik
dios mio...

I want a West Asian (full Armenian) girlfriend.

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You’re coping rn

desert cult people
short tempered people

Angry brown people

they used to worship buddha or the sun

So you are Half Turkic Half Iranian


>finland & estonia 0% despite the memes
can't trust int

Source for this map?

Biggest Afghan Pashtun tribe (Ghilzai) also have Turkic roots, that’s 9 million people, not even counting the Hazaras, Uzbeks, Turkmens + the Persified Tajiks who are called Qizilbash

Finland and Estonia are east asian, not west asian.

brown homeland vgh

Its East Eurasian who Finland have not West.

Some nigga in Anthrogenica made it from MDLP

Attached: East Eurasia.png (800x581, 170.17K)

You will NEVER be West Asian, Fingol.

The ancestors of anglos, franks, iberians and germs.
You can guess my opinion.

>afgandus discussing about who raped them the hardest
will never cease to be hilarious

pajeet virgin hindog with no concept of biology lessons still thinks mass “rape” causes demographic shifts as opposed to migration


>the Persified Tajiks who are called Qizilbash
Qizilbashs are literal Azerbaijanis who got there and mixed with locals. Derivations from the population brought by Nadir Shah from Azerbaijan.
For the Pashtun tribe who have Turkic roots, i never heard but make sense. All Pashtuns score some Turkic in Gedmatch.

I love my Afghanistani Turkic bros, some Afghanistani Turkmens looks identical to Anatolian Turks, check this out, singer is Afghanistani Turkmen from Germany.


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