One thing they don't tell you about NZ

The "white" people that live there are significantly swarthier, shorter and stupider than in Australia. There is a substantial difference in racial stock of the two countries. This racial difference is also the cause of the economic difference between the two countries. The Hobbit isn't just a movie...

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>economic difference
they have a non-African economy?

race bait

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Sounds like Poland

Incorrect, NZ is actually far more paler than Australia due to our pure Saxon genes and no wogs

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one thing they dont tell you about NZ is that it's a unitary state like the UK but unlike Canada, America and Australia. What caused this split in the Anglosphere? Well for one thing

There was a girl from New Zealand in my class in high school. She was a bit short.

>What caused this split in the Anglosphere?
Because states for our small population and landmass would be ridiculous, we had provinces for about 10 years before abolishing them

They are all like that, short, brown, hairy, bad teeth and stupid as a brick.

You are literally led by an Albanian

They also abolished FPTP and adoptes our election system.

One of our worst ideas

yes they are poor


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Am I wrong?

the only thing I know about the two countries is that new zealand always beats the shit out of australia in rugby and that the teams all rook same (inbred anglos and polynesians who're always the best players)

This will not stop me, I will living in Wellington.

ESL moment

>I will living in Wellington

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Why Wellington