Did you know that hitler loved Chicanos and supported the revival of aztlan

Did you know that hitler loved Chicanos and supported the revival of aztlan

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lol loved Chicanos are you serious??
he loved all Mexicans of course

Yeah the Nazis loved LARPing

the good guys lost WWII unfortunately

did you know hitler was a retarded faggot that only complete losers idolize

Unironically yes. Germany in general considered Mexico its underrated ally

>Did you know that Hit-ACK!

We need another German emperor

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yee-yee ass moustache

A-user, what are you doing? Are you giving Amerikkkans a justification to globohomo Chicanos?

Why did you have to kill him?
It would’ve been cool having an Austrian-French-Mexican neighbor

this is why anglos and anglo-americans had to crush the kraut threat once more

he spread the rumour that he'd gone to Argentina but in reality he he'd gone to Mexico (I can tell you now, he died of covid)

kys like he did

curious: what did hitler do that the US didn't do in colonial times? not trying to excuse hitler, but I'm pretty sure america's founding wasn't much better.

Merely posing a question like that would get me locked up for several years if the authorities found out, not kidding.

what kind of hitler talk would get you locked up?

viva la república

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Call out the jew

Hard to say, the topic is off limits and never discussed openly, but anything that could be interpreted as "downplaying the horrors of the NS regime" could land you in jail.

WTF I hate Hitler now!

>viva la republi-ACK!

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