Do you like American cultural achievements?

Do you like American cultural achievements?

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holy shit that’s actually real lmao

Did you have any doubts?

Yet again Blacks added color to a blank American culture.

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>jazz, the only good part of american culture, is a black invention
you can't make this shit up

the entire world watches hollywood movies
everyone knows what a western is

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>LITERALLY playing random notes randomly
Woah, I'm in awe
Move aside baroque composers, turns out you didn't have to do any of that!

you just aren't cultured enough to understand jazz

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only mature adults can appreciate free-form jazz

pick one

Oh wait, you probably think Marvel movies are culture right. Pop culture, same thing right. lmao

More like jizz lmao

I loved Top Gun Maverick though

>italshit can't handle true sophistication

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literally fake as shit kek
oh the magnitude of the shitstorm and my laughter when the documents will finally be declassified... fucking beautiful

>How [degerate thing] made me a better woman.
I hate this so much, bros...

a truly infantile degree of ignorance. jazz is anything but random. it is improvised, extemporaneous. that doesn't make it random. are you an ape? are you capable of speaking from anything but prepared notes?

Sad to hear her gasping for air after every sentence. She didn't used to be this obese

Degerate is not a word.

>not even a TEDx