How to move to Argentina

Now that europeans are gonna starve and freeze to death it's our time to retake our place as world power. A lot of them will move here again in the millions so I'll give you a full tutorial on how to move to Argentina

1. Enter argentinian territory, either by landing on a plane, crossing by walking, get dropped from the air, whatever
2. Done. Never get deported nor anything no matter what


A. In case you need to regularize and get a residence because it's required for something like a public hospital, just enrole at university and don't even attend class
B. Apply for welfare (optional)

Comments: I wish I were fucking dead

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Brownentina is collapsing THOUGH

we're not collapsing, we're lowering our standards to make it easier for euros to settle here

Argentina is a fake nation that never could've made it

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Why is Argentina the only country that only has a 2 year period for naturalization? Why do they want to make it easy for people so badly? It's too good to be true. I've never considered moving to Argentina because I've thought about Europe so much at this point, despite Spain's naturalization requirement being 10 years. (it would take at least 16 as the 4 years I'd be in school wouldn't count toward it, then the time it would take to wait after applying) Even the rest of Latin America is usually 5 years, at least.

not OP but

>2 year period for naturalization?
more like 2 hours unironically

if you move to tierra del fuego is a bunch months because some outdated law

>Why do they want to make it easy for people so badly?
govt wants more tax payers and believes people moving here will work over the table and not under

>Spain's naturalization requirement being 10 years
two years for us ex colonies. though I have shitalian passport so I can't apply for it because they don't allow two EU citizenships

I would rather starve in Poland than wageslave in brownentina

Not, please move to mexico and breed our women so we can improve our country and race please! :3

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Not a real nation. The new world literally gives citizenship to people born in the country automatically. Says allot desu.

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y u so mad





don't see the issue, just print more?

I have (well, had really, she ded) an Austrian grandmother. Does this mean I can go to Austria and be like gutentag Reisepass bitte

It takes 2 years to naturalize in Spain for latin americans though.

I don't like the new world.
Check their laws. Might be possible

The genius of appointing a GREEK finance minister. Greece has Germoney to pay, Argentina has no one

Is that valid for all countries or just European ones? Asking for myself.

Naturalize in Argentina, then move spain and you naturalize in 2 years. It would take you 6 years that way.


Okay now how do I legally stay in Argentina for 2 years?

Iman argie and I'm laughing my ass off at these so called "crises" lmao oh no 10% annual inflation it's the end of the world lmaooo give me a break you don't know how good you have it, firsties don't suffer. Meanwhile argie be like rolling blackouts every month for over a decade and 50% annual inflation an this is ok this is totally how a country should be ran.

I still keep my argie passport just in case but I would only return if WWIII truly broke out.

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Learn Spanish and have a certificate that you abandoned Islam. You have to attend catholic church mass every sunday.

It's hilarious watching firsties get panic attacks because funko pops now cost 5% more

Not how it works, you must have a Latin American citizenship the moment you are born to be able to gain the Spanish one after living here for 2 years. Citizenships gained after being born don't count.

Oh rip then. Good for born argies though.

chad jus soli

what OP says it's not a meme. just land here, enroll at some university or institute and just wait while you look for a job. being that you're iranian unironically go to the shia mosque or ask the local ummah to help you. our current govt is bros with Iran because illeg- I mean business so I'm guessing it would be easy

not true, ignore this chud. shittholicism is tahnkfully dead here

>I still keep my argie passport just in case but I would only return if WWIII truly broke out.
dual citizenship was a mistake

Argies suck up EU cock

If its THAT easy, I would be in Argentina enjoying a good asado and fucking a qt there.

cool cool cool :DDD

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I have three citizenships

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it is tho. in your case you don't even need any permission, afaik chileans can freely enter and do anything because treaties and shiet