Why are Americans like this??

Why are Americans like this??

Attached: who is Beethoven.jpg (1080x757, 137.24K)

why are europeans like this?

Attached: Screenshot_20220704-113639_YouTube.jpg (1080x858, 172.74K)

Literally me

Attached: beethoven.jpg (2460x781, 98.34K)

i am 28 and i just discovered pink floyd yesterday

Yuropoors got no water flavours like flouride and chlorinated

Americans are 100% convinced Cleopatra and Shakespeare were black too

Americans think that Nafris are black

Only black people think this

Attached: brad5.jpg (203x210, 12.94K)

well, shakespeare actually may have been black

Yeah, and I'm white

I prefer Mozart personally. Although overall Wagner is king.

Who would be interested in a video of an intelligent white male saying like I know Beethoven, I've heard him many times
He's just giving the viewer what they wants

Attached: E0RkM3MVUAEouZv.jpg (1170x656, 39.68K)

and the best part is...she wasnt even a nafri, she was macedonian

Well Beethoven was 150+cm black haired, void eyed dude so I dont think he would get a pass in a proper nazi state, however if ull rememeber vermacht leaders.. then I dont see how anyone would not get a pass

>150+cm black haired, void eyed dude
He's just like me...

Why so many niggas have reaction channels
It's beyond low effort, it can't even be called entertainment

>failing into negro's clickbait
kek, this is ur brain on pasta

Hahaha oh no

You do realize there is a whole youtube community of black people reacting to white music for the "first" time right? It's faked so gullible whites will watch it to feel affirmation from the blacks they worship so much.