Is simping common in your country?

Is simping common in your country?

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I want to worship her
I would give her everything I have

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yes, but not by me. Literally ghosted a whore recently who wanted me to simp for her and I might've gotten a whiff of some pvssy as a result of that

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Holy fucking shit! Do roasties really make that much money off of simps?!

I hate women

I simp for hot girls irl and let them live in my house free of charge, and I even buy them groceries and stuff. Usually these are girls I know through friend groups and they recently got dumped and don’t have a place to live atm. My only rule is you can’t bring home anyone, because obviously I don’t want to get robbed. I always compliment them and tell them they deserve to be treated like queens and I do all their chores. I like doing their laundry because I can smell their panties. And I put cameras in the bathroom and guest room to catch them naked. Usually they move out when they get a new guy or when i ask them out and they reject me. But sometimes out of gratitude some of the girls will jerk/suck me off, let me see and touch them naked, or occasionally even let me fuck them

I respect the hustle, hate the game not the player.

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normies have no taste, she looks basic as fuck, she's a human version of those "beautiful" stock landscape photos

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That's why femboys are better.
All they ask is compliments,. Imagine asking people money like a beggar.
Women are rotten, they don't deserve mens.

Corinna is the top like #1 star of onlyfans.
Shes very hot and has had sex with a lot of clouted ppl (Logan Paul, FaZe TFUE).

She has also been with David Dobrik form the start of his career without getting much shit when he got cancelled.

Interesting thing about Corinna.
Back in 2015-2016 she was actually a Trump supporter and involved with some Twitter guys, namely Pizza Party Ben. PPB was a friend of Milo Yiannopoulos during Milo's peak. PPB and Milo on Twitter were really not far from the "alt right" twitter.
What I'm trying to get at, is that.. Corinna had something of a Any Forums phase at the same time as me. She of course no longer holds those views and thinks that part of her past is cringe, just like me.

Personally I like Corinna a lot. David got cancelled and went through a lot of shit but she stays loyal to him despite not needing him. All of Davids other friends need him, but Corinna doesnt, not anymore. Corinna was also in 2015 a Trump supporter aka she was willing to be against the mainstream liberals. She may be a thot, but she also has integrity and she is smart enough to capitalize on her looks. I respect her, and I wish I could cum in her, but alas I cant. One day, in another universe perhaps.. Corinna if you are reading this please come to Finland and let me cum in you.

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Corinna if you are reading this let me cum in you instead. I’m sensitive, tall, good looking, very wealthy (trust fund) and have a thick 7 inch penis. Why am I posting on Any Forums? Because I am a virgin and get really shy and anxious around hot girls and excuse myself from their presence. So I would like to cum in you because I feel like I can get to know you after all the time Ive spent watching you

ideally all simps and hoes would be gulag'd
death to amerikka
death to nato
death to the west
glory to the ccp


>it really do be like that

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what if I'm bad at valorant and also have a small dick

Her face hits right in the uncanny valley. Something funky about the nose and the cheeks.

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She wouldn’t fuck me either.
I have an above average dick, and don’t play video games. You need clout to fuck a girl like her

I would cut off her tits with a chainsaw

>men give money for this goblin

based and truth pilled. I learned the hard way that if you show you like a woman too much upfront, they will be repelled or just try and control you.

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Why couldn't I have been born a woman...


Why are you heterosexuals so degenerate? Us gays don't talk as weirdly as you perverts especially in public

Why did a board for international culture discussion turn into Any Forums but with a dash of Any Forums?

7.5/10 would fap to her leaked of pics

I hope she plans on having children.

If I had to guess, gays can get sex easily, approaching a level of ease with which women can get sex from men. You are not sexually pent up or compressed. Heterosexual men on the other hand, if they are not born a chad, have to grind their way through women's bullshit and mindgames to get a crumb of pussy. this causes mental derangement in many men, leading to no-pussy syndrome, which can cause a few elite men to rise to greatness, but many to become incels

No, just a face autist.

So glad I'm a bichad

Bi are the future.
Once again the romans were right.