Happy 4th, Any Forums !

Happy 4th, Any Forums !

Attached: July_4_cartoon_ben_garrison.jpg (1800x1386, 796.27K)

Is Q still a thing?

Post the current one.

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I am Q. Hello.


I don't get it
I don't get it

Unfortunately, yes. Even some people here buy into this glowing psyop.

That girl on the right is giving his dad a handjob.

>Ultra Madness
>Ultra MAGA
there's no fucking way he didn't watch kaguya sama this season

meds now


Funny how Any Forums used to edit this guy's comics to make them more far right, but ended up breaking him so badly that now there's nothing left to change.

Anime website, and Ben watches anime

Its funnier that his edited comics were so common and his freak-outs so regular that people just stopped remembering that he was always pretty right wing until he jumped on the trump train, he just dropped most of his libertarian slant to go full boomer.

A single shitposter from Any Forums still has this much influence. Wow.

Excuse me, Q has a boyfriend.

Trump lost.
"Flynn" lost.
Q never existed.
Any Forums is losing.
/qa/ got blown out.
It's over.


I don't get it.

Where is the original? The one with merchants

>Cult of death
>As opposed to Second amendment

Ben Garrison is abysmally retarded.


In this country you have a right to defend your life with deadly force HOWEVER

Maybe women have a right to body autonomy, even with deadly force as well.

Ultra MAGA was a thing the Democrats dreamt up after like 6 months of work shopping a term to try to btfo republicans, but it turned out that ultra MAGA sounds cool actually.

>defending yourself is the same as murdering a baby because you couldnt keep your legs shut
squid education

The baby in the womb is a distinct life from the mother though

you have the right to choke on american cock lmao squidfag

orange man good
others bad


Really not feeling up to celebrating America.

LGBTQ people are under attack and more laws than ever in history target us.

Trans men, afab non-binary folks, and women all lost their right to abortions.

Fascists march openly in our streets waving the flag of our country.

Amazing tweet that takes down the absolute insanity of trying to celebrate both Q/TFG and the USA:

pro tip: if you cheered when traitors used our flag to beat up cops on Jan 6th, don't you fucking dare wave one on July 4th

Attached: dta.png (646x363, 603.66K)

This except with a USA flag instead of a Canadian one. Don't get me wrong, Canada has its problems (covidiot convoy, quebecois nationalism, etc) but MAGAidiocy has hit new heights with this supreme court.

>Trans men, afab non-binary folks, and women all lost their right to abortions.
Also I want to include GIRLS in this. Not women, but actual CHILDREN are being forced into giving birth by the GOP.

Yes, retarded boomers love it

Fetus is not a life, and even if fetus is indeed an independent, distinct life, I think women should have right to murder them if they leech off their mom's body, just like parents could sell their useless children as slaves in ancient Rome.