The world only speaks English because of Ameri-

>The world only speaks English because of Ameri-

Attached: British English vs American English which one is taught in school.jpg (1905x955, 163.11K)

Americans are eternal ESLs speaking a simplified pidgin dialect that formed as a result of a bunch of ESLs trying to cooperate while slaughtering an entire continent of natives
Savage people not even worth considering humans

>they think they speak British but actually speak American

All those blue countries would have stopped learning english alltogether once England became irrelevant after losing India.


Huh, I don't know a single faggot here who speaks or writes Br*tish English

>Americans are eternal ESLs speaking a simplified pidgin dialect that formed as a result of a bunch of ESLs trying to cooperate while slaughtering an entire continent of natives
>Savage people not even worth considering humans

Attached: vatnig.jpg (486x578, 103K)

>says the Russian

And it would be a good thing

>zero yee-hahs or ride em cowboys!
You're writing it right now

English would certainly still be a major language, but without U.S. influence it could not have become THE global lingua franca.

>British English
Who made this map?

>learn english in school
>speak american anyway
such is the life of esl

Russian is one of the most virgin slavic languages, rivaled only by Macedonian probably
We're just a couple of letters away from sounding like 1000 ad slavs
Meanwhile your """""language"""'"' is a mutt enigma much like your entire nation

an ESL*

I did

I doubt that, but if you really did, you should know that Canadians use many "American" words and spellings.

We learned british English in school, all listening exercises were rp or southern English accents too. Maybe it has changed since brexit though

Nigga, WHAT? It got heavily polluted with French loanwords in the 19th century and would've further done so if not for Napoleon's invasion. And many o those loans remained.
When Russians who study Old Church Slavonic go to cunts like Czechia they're like "OH SHIT, THESE WORDS, THIS IS SO SIMILAR TO WHAT I'M STUDYING. HOW HAS IT CHANGED SO LITTLE?"

British english is taught here, but everyone speaks/writes the American way.

bros... we won in the end...

Attached: 1532791331218.jpg (500x514, 44.63K)

This. At least for the majority.
That map has to be what kind of English is being taught at schools. But it does not equate to what's actually being used most of the time.

It didn't
The period of tight collaboration with french and all of our elite speaking french has brought just a couple of calque-like grammar through literature and a fairly reasonable number of loanwords
The 90s industrialization brought in more english loanwords than did that french period in russian history
The country that officially speaks broken german 3 years, then broken slavic 3 years, then broken german again, etc
Russian has the most slavinisms and many of the words survived in their exact meaning as they were in old slavonic
Russian is the most slavic language etymologically

Know your enemy