I am simple man

i love nafris i hate arabs

Attached: nafri.png (1156x880, 1.43M)

What is difference? They are a raps too right?

They look the same

>desencended from rapist desert tribes, camel fuckers of desert
>have no manner, eating with his hands, drinking camel piss
>very ugly
>low t
>most cucked nation, always be sided with their wh*Toids masters, sell their patrol and women to them

>descended from punic tribes, have deep rooted warrior ancestry, descended from high t pirates as well
>good loking
>good food
>fight and btfod wh*Toids from their land


the arab looks cooler

I would say hotter would fit better but whatever.

Arabs are kind of pathetic. Imagine creating a caliphate only to be mogged by Turks.

he cute (the nafri)

True, kinda reminds me of Keanu Reeves.

Nafris are crazy though

Attached: D3LFxqrXsAAuoXz.jpg (819x566, 81.32K)

no we don't
the darker arabs look pajeeets, the daker nafris look mulatto

He can easily pass for a Saudi

Attached: mahrez.png (500x500, 311.29K)

if a person from X country can pass in Y country doesn't mean X and Y country look the same

how many braincells did it take you to construct this sentence ?


Attached: 1466875048662.jpg (1030x1299, 405.85K)

Of course not. But you should have acknowledged the far in between thousands that look like him. I do agree with you for the most part.

I don't deny there is an overlap

The one thing arabs have over nafris is that arabs made nafris follow their religion. If nafris would not follow religion of arabs they would be much cooler

The Arab at least has his own culture and doesn't slurp up euro cum in hopes of getting citizenship

Hey, we only take the good parts of Islam.
Women aren't being oppressed here and we don't stone people to death.

Arabs are the cocksuckers, they are slaves to usa and to israel. meanwhile nafris hate europeans,americans and jews to the core
nothing would change since at least here we are not religious to start with