Have you hugged someone today?

Have you hugged someone today?

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never hugged anyone in a romantic way. 23 yrs old

this but 22
don't care really

men who obsess over hugs are some of the fucking weirdest people, I hope everyone in this thread kys

Try hugging yourself. It feels good.

>Hugged? No. Fugged? Yes.

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ok fat

If I get no hugs will be mind eventually become an empty shell? If so I’ll stay that course.

No but I'm going to go and have a massage. Sounds odd but apparently people who are depressed do all sorts of weird shit like having a shower because it feels like human contact. Honestly its pretty bleak

>Sounds odd but apparently people who are depressed do all sorts of weird shit like having a shower because it feels like human contact
yes i do this, i have the shower at a medium warmish and just stand in the shower with my head on the wall for a while

ayyyyy same, bruv
I'm so fucking lonely and I was stupid and desperate enough to believe I could get a girl I met in some video game!

Bleak. Go get a massage. it works I promise

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I do this
I bathe for like an hour or two whenever I do bathe because it feels like a long blissful hug

well some people do meet like that. why dont you guys meet up?

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I don't know. She doesn't live that far away from me but she told me a few months ago she doesn't flirt online ''just so you know :) I don't want to toy with others' feelings blablabla''...
We get along pretty well, we have a similar personality and the banters are agreeable but such relationships are kinda hard to manage, I get her point of view

The letters and characters she chooses are hot, not my fault

Ask to meet up and if "she" refuses you know it's a 30 year old dude in his basement

Saw her hand, heard her voice, worst thing I can think of is 'her' being a twink

Same here. Genuinely afraid of what will happen if I hug someone at this point

well there’s only one way to find out. ask for her Instagram or something. Worst case is she’s a twink or you don’t like her in some other way and you’re back where you started, best case you guys like each other

if someone (not my parents fuck them) hugged me id burst into tears

She said she was already interested in another guy btw kek
Her loss