I wish my country (AUNITED KINGDOM) produced mass media like comics/mahua/manwha

I wish my country (AUNITED KINGDOM) produced mass media like comics/mahua/manwha
It's sad knowing the uk probably won't produce anything that looks like this even though we have an extremely high gdp per capita. 4 times more than the chinese economy in per capita terms.

People consume entertainment more and more in our ever increasing digital world. I wish we had the drive to create stuff like this.

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>Literally wrote some of the greatest literature
>Ooga booga me no Chinese cartoon ching ching chong
Kill all weebs

Yes, no one consumes muh great literature in 2022, the current year, most of us just spend time over consuming stuff online.

Your cunt produces entertainment through youtube I guess

Every country does this though

British music used to be the best, why can't you compete anymore?

Most music nowadays is just rap


傻屄你他妈的几岁? 快长大了吧,你妈屄。

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Holy based jeet

Speak for yourself you illiterate cunt. The classics continue to be best sellers.

I wonder why only Koreans or Chinese people correctly imitate Japanese style manga or anime. Wen western artists try to do it, their "professional" works look like a Japanese school boy tried to make his first manga art just after half a year effort.

they don't understand the yellow spirit

>best sellers
Yes my friend "new York Times bestsellers "
No one reads them mate, other than in college/uni

>Wen western artists try to do it, their "professional" works look like a Japanese school boy tried to make his first manga art just after half a year effort.
Western artists like transformative works quite a bit, that's mainly why the artstlye usually looks different and more"unique" compared to Korean/chinese works.
Personally western art don't look that good compared to Japanese unless it's pornography.

You are on 4chin, an anime website
Get that in your head, downie

And honestly Any Forums isn't better

I mean, Koreans and Chinese people are far more creative than western artists when it comes to show business industry though.

Any Forums is western website but they have no shame to use Japanese anime characters as their "mascots" without creators' permission. Asians are good at imitating artstyle but at the same time, they create different story and concept from Japanese anime.

Western artists' works don't look "unique" to me. I think they are just lack of skills or effort to make masterpiece. Some would say drawings of pre-school children are "unique" but you can instantly realize "that's what like kindergarten children draw" when you see it. That's the same.

>3d anime

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I also wish my country produced pop culture

Polish games are as mainstream as it gets

no, a single polish studio has produced two (2) mainstream games, one of which was a massive flop

your country literally produces one of the most well known actors, directors, writers, singers etc
no one knows about some bing bong ching chong ling long ding dong squid game from the far east

>dying light
>this war of mine
>call of juarez
Maybe not AS popular, but still up there

I wouldn't call any of those "mainstream"

It's over britboy, French are the mangakas of Europe

> I wish we had a tool to brainwash you in the next century

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There's loads of British comics, the problem is people assume they're American same as they do with our film, tv, vidya, music etc.