What industry do you want to work in?

what industry do you want to work in?

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sexing sexican girls

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Quant trader/developer

Social Benefit Receiver Industry but it's hard to get into it in this country


civil engineering

unemployed industry

I literally have no idea

Geodesic surveillance

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Gamedev, but like small indie gamedev

I always wanted to work in Aerospace, but in retrospect I'd fair poorly as there are a huge number of much smarter people in it than me already. I'm happy being a big fish in a little pond in the steel industry.

Finance or the manufacturing industry

Industrial design.




scamming goys out of money

sadly i'm not a jew




engineer for iran's nuclear weapons program

underage thread

animal shelter

Banking not even kidding, I was really close one month ago

I want to retire asap. I plan to teach myself how to draw and make a living drawing dragon ball z porn for Mexicans.