Do women look like heroin addicts in your country?

Do women look like heroin addicts in your country?

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nope but I do

Are you a heroin addict?

most do, what's the appeal??
this girl for example, she's obviously pretty and young.
Why did she intentionally disfigure herself?

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Bloody mental illness innit

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why does she have a tattoo of moon man?

that's straight up mental illness, she needs to be institutionalized pronto

Youngsters believe they're immortal or some shit. What they do not understand Is that beauty Is temporary, and not worth being defiled with self harming behaviours. That also counts for boys, not only girls

I worship white women.

fucking grim

Did she train her tits away?

peepeepoopoogangamstyle finally opened an only fans? Fuuucknkkk I can not wait for leaks. Fucking finally




wtf she was so cute, especially compared to the average english rose

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Holy based. Wish more valid people did this fr
Don't be afraid y'all

I could save her...
And her

Bullet in the back of the head and a shallow grave, Ivan?

No, i look drunk.

Is this the same person?



Your society makes women look like that and worse. You must send all your girls to Russia before it's too late

Are Russian druggies any better?