Were they born evil or was it a product of society?

were they born evil or was it a product of society?

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Product of Mongols.


It all was over when Muscovy defeated Novgorod

Rather second

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i think its cuz of mongol organization

70 years of "socialism" which is inherently anti-human


Russia is the king of the north, the disgusting thing which has penetrated into the holy place to provoke desolation as says the prophet Daniel

im tired of those threads, stop making them, nobody gives a shit

but you were evil even before the USSR
hell, Lenin himself stated that the greatest enemy of the USSR was great russian chauvinism

>Lenin himself stated
stopped reading right there

Shouldn't have invaded, sit down and enjoy the ride



I hear u

1) at least i'm not getting killed
2) it's only yours fault. no one ever saw anti-nazi protests in "ukraine"
3) stop wearing flag of fictional country
4) i'm not ever invaded somewhere, i just live a life.

They are brainwashed to be megalomaniac. They unironically believe that that they are wealthier than Western European countries because Russia is big and have lots of resources while WE countries are small and don't have natural resources.

Why are you so evil?

Shouldn't have tried to board the Titanic.

You cultisits will burn in hell

i dont

Russia is the center of cosmic Good, the center of Conscience, Beauty, Justice. Russia is a field of struggle between Truth and Falsehood, Good and Evil. Russian people are the purest part of humanity. Therefore, all the Evil of the world falls upon them. Today, we Russians are alone in the world. Even the Slav brothers betrayed us, especially the Poles and Czechs. Everyone except the Serbs. Our historical duty is to prove that we have not abandoned them.

All slavic life is inherently invalid

>They unironically believe that that they are wealthier than Western European countries
We don't. But we perfectly acknowledge it the western prosperity is based on robbing thirdies and printing dollar/euro, lol. Their wealthiness is fragile and will collapse sooner or later.

You are evil tho

I'm not sure. I thought they were only bad after the Bolsheviks took over but after some more research it turns out they have committed atrocities long before that.

From my point of view, the [antagonist_country_presented_by_media] are evil

Unironically this. Mongol rule even had impact on their language because Russian peasants had to get used to groveling

no i dont evil

you support your governments imperialistic rethoric
that makes you evil

no we dont

ITT butthurt belters

you are

side effect from basedness overdose

ONLY Russophobic statements of many people in the West is making us to support the government.

But our government also not dumb.
Most sanctioned country in the history - and even nothing changed (well coca cola became little bit more expensive)

can you give an example of what makes you think that they are evil ?

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Christianity is not a cult and hell doesn't exist, it's a pagan invention

What are the quotes for?

Europipo be like

> noooooo, you cant denazify me, you must let me have my ethnostate where I shall genocide minorities

Do they really

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whats a "russophobic statement"

A lot of Americans (if not the majority) acknowledge their fuck-ups. Like, it's a consensus that War on Terror was a fuck-up. Russians just can admit that they can be wrong.

Only difference between a cult and a religion is the number of followers.

Russia needs more trans people and LGBT rights, only westernization can fix them

"if you nuke us we will have to nuke you back"

>Russians just can admit that they can be wrong.
Please give an example.

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funny coming from Poland, your country violated Iraqi soil in 2003 when joining the American war of aggression

russia deadass is like if the joker was country fr fr no cap

oups this want meant for you

yeah and that sucked what about it

Sadam shouldn't have invaded Kuwait and Iran

i'm support special operation in ukraine because just imagine

(let's suppose your name is Misha, as mine)
You're laying in sofa and watching TV, everything is ok, but..
...Your neighbour Taras everytime running around your house and yelling "KILL MISHA! KILL MISHA! PUT MISHA TO GUILLOTINE! FUCK HIS KIDS!"


>Neo-Nazis? Well, uh, every country has neo-Nazis! They're few in number and... They don't control our government or anything, dummy, our president's a Jew! Ignore the fact it's difficult to find photos of Ukrainian soldiers without at least one bearing neo-Nazi insignia or that it's illegal to slander the Ukrainian "heroes" who collaborated with Nazis in carrying out the Holocaust, and that the Azov Batallion is only the tip of the iceberg!

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