
Hello, I've commonly seen a lot of misconceptions and wrong ideas about the cousin marriage in Pakistan here so I'd love to clear it up.

First of all, cousin marriage isn't done out of pure lust for incest like most incels imagine it to be. It's a long lived societal rule aimed at preserving family wealth and connections. It's merely a cultural custom which is not mandated by Islam (nor is it forbidden) and it is only common in certain parts of the country (mostly Punjab and Kashmir, it barely exists in Pashtunistan or Balochistan). It strengthens family ties and has some main advantages:
1. the parents can be sure their daughter got a good family on her husband's side (because they have known them for years)
2. There are less conflicts and if they appear they can be just settled by family elders without engaging state institutions
3. You don't need to resort to tiresome and costly dating (even in Islamic understanding)
4. You save up money on the matchmaking services

The matter of sexual attraction has little to do with that, in the vast majority of cases the bride and groom don't even feel much affection to each other.

And first of all, there are no marriages between very close cousins, usually it's third degree cousins at least.

I hope it will expand your knowledge and make some harmful stereotypes fade away.

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Hello. It produces retarded offspring. There are no upsides

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still disgusting

>It produces retarded offspring

>Denmark birth rate: 1,70

Better that than no offspring at all. No wonder Europe is dying out with your rigid approach to marriage/having children.

are you really comparing having fewer children with literally having inbred children?

Hello, commonly someone likes me wouldn't read that long

>Better that than no offspring at all.
It actually isn't. Pakis are disproportionately subhuman compared to other nationalities. The inbreeding probably plays a big part in it.

Europe's low birthrates are a well known problem addressed by their politicians but still it's only getting worse.

I'm not judging it, if you don't want to have children it's your choice (even if you will be judged by Allah (swt) if you refuse to have children out of pure laziness and will to have a comfortable life so beware) but let's not claim it's just better. It's different. People in countries like Pakistan just see preserving their lineage as the highest value.

I had an attraction to my qt first cousin (looks like pic related) for years but sadly Muslim parents here in north America dont care about setting up brides. I have several cousins in their mid thirties and only one had actually went ahead and got married
T. Yemeni

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There are no scientific proofs (except for created at Hindutva universities of Pakistanophobia) that there is a significantly higher percentage of children born with mental disorder/disability of any kind in Pakistan than elsewhere in the region. As I said, cousin marriage usually implies rather distant cousins so the genes (if they exist because there are no scientific proofs for that either) aren't that similar to cause problems. Not to mention that if something isnt prohibited in Quran it can't be just THAT bad, otherwise the Prophet (pbuh) would have told us not to do it.

>Hindutva universities of Pakistani phobia
Bro, are you real? So incest being a bad thing is a Hindu conspiracy?

That's it. As if there weren't enough evidence already, it's obvious that you're either
>actually fucking retarded
>yet another Dindu rapefugee/VPNfag
Either way, you should kill yourself immediately. Don't make actual human beings have to share their resources with you.

What is your problem brother? Just because you don't have this custom in Iraq doesn't mean it's haram or even makrooh, if you think otherwise please provide a proof from the Quran.

It's the pole paki. He also raped a young girl in Poland and got beaten up by poles. Atleast that's what oldfags tell me.

it is quite bad imho
it is on decline thankfully but even today there are many issues with it especially in rural poor east

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>incest being a bad thing is a Hindu conspiracy

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Stop spreading misinformation. I am not even a Pakistani national, not even gonna comment on the rest of your bullshit.

How about you stick it up your ass?
It's a shame they could only knock out the sense and not the life out of him.

>usually it's third degree cousins at least.
Its mostly first cousins you idiot

Also its why pakistanis here have a massive degree of children born with srious intellectual disability

Islam also tells you to think for yourself about what’s harmful if it’s not explicitly mentioned in the Quran. Cousin marriages are bad however you look at it. You’re also right that europeans are too lazy to procreate though.


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>it can't be just THAT bad

>Its mostly first cousins

First cousin means third degree relative. Meanwhile people here imagine that brothers marry their sisters or dads their daughters which never happens.

Btw actually in most of cases it's not even first cousins but further. Generally there are no strict rules about it, there isn't even any kind of preference for a cousin marriage, it's more like there isn't just a prejudice against it either. It's not like every Pakistani family seeks for a cousin marriage for their children from the very beginning. If there was a suitable candidate out of close family then it would be fine too.

What the fuck is wrong with you? So getting disorder from being inbred is a Hindoo conspiracy?

Go back to your shithole Mr Uber Eats driver

we all know you are not really a muslim, stop larping, haploturd

>cultural customs found in the west good
>cultural customs not found in the west bad because
ukhmmmm reasons

Western hypocrisy at its peak. Same like westerners don't allow East Asian nations to eat dogs because westerners keep dogs at home as pets and they think if they do it everyone should do it too.

calm down mate no need to explode

-Inbreeding results in bad genetics.
-Humans and dogs evolved with one another. Betrayal of that relationship is terrible.