Do you think French people look good?

Do you think French people look good?

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i kinda look french lol

I wish we would invade and rape you like in 1940

>men's football isn't a charcoal black man named ngolo nkunku

They come in all shapes and sizes, but they are all special :)

Attached: 450CA155-710C-47B5-8BD8-F299E8E34B98.jpg (2048x1536, 449.22K)

Yes. Ugliest French girls are unironically Alsacians from my experience.

You wish macaque
In your dreams hans

I do tho
I'm not white tho like all French people

I agree alsatians have got ugly fat cheeks
>I'm not white tho like all French people
Based macaco

not op but i had germans exchange students and they were generally cuter than french women. More polite, funny and entertaining too.

No, you are round-headed thickset Alpines

The male rugby is sex

My brother
And proud of it
The bosnian sissy fears the thick-skulled alpine bull
I bet I could shatter your ribs with a single headbutt

Exchange students, especially those going to France, are from a small demographic of self-selected well-off and cosmopolitan upper middle class families. Absolutely not representative of anything.

fuck man that rugby face is spot on
not necessarily this high test but the jovial look and wide eyes is what I see everyday

i wouldn't want to look french lol

Are you from the southwest?

is this the same demographic that go camping in Britanny ? because they are not ugly too

our rugby players are weird, they can go from this

Attached: grt.jpg (719x1511, 485.82K)

to this

Attached: dfg.jpg (1272x2048, 945.57K)

Genuinely hilarious posts

Descendent from Dvtch Frankish Bvlls