
"He will cut our gas, bros..."

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this is only a problem if you're brown

brazilian shill is at it again

I meam for fucks sake he has children
Kill the fucking things now

Why doesn't he just admit defeat

more white man need to die not all the jews escaped yet

>by winter
By February 28, I guess. When half of Europe will already freeze to death.

H-he does kbiw that there's only one way this ends before winter, r-right?
He was a shit president before the war and his country is completely fucked now. The war has given him international fame, the unquestioned love and loyalty of his people, and a place in the history books. The war is all he has, from when it ends is the moment from which his story starts to return to a crappy leadr presiding over the absolute decline of his country

I fucked that. Forgot pic as well.

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I legit feel bad for him.

>Russia won't negotiate until they win
>Plans to occupy the east
>He can't agree to demands because it will piss off his country
>Has to continue fighting with a destroyed economy

Legit the only end is if Putin falls.

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Imagine believing your own simpleton propaganda

Just wear some extra clothes at home ffs.

ukraine only chance for survival is to win. if they agree to a peace now russia is going back to subversion while they wait 5-10 years to take another bite. right now they are still capable of fighting and the west support them, it's the best chance they going to have

Why wouldn't this war end by winter?

Russia only needs 2 more weeks to take Kyiv.

If by freeze to death you mean turn the thermostat down 2 degrees

I thought Ukraine needed two more weeks to drive the Russian army out of the country entirely???

Oh damn
This entire time I thought that it was Ukraine who didn't want to negotiate unless they would get back their old borders
Fuck Russian

Because he's a tool. Ukraine will be devastated and he will be giving conferences in Murica.

Same person

Doubt it. Sarmat Brazilian's replies are usually way more angry and unhinged than his OP text. Plus if he was using a VPN to seem Brazilian, why not a less neutral and more divisive country like the US. Or a new flag each time?

Why does this brazillian monkey keep posting dumb anti Ukraine things

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Idk but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find them entertaining