The oldest city in the world was built in Pakistan

the oldest city in the world was built in Pakistan

ancient Pakistanis were one of the most advanced cultures along with Greeks and Persians

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Actually, it was built in Germany

Germans were the most advanced

and probably still are

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u have to go back

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Was it so advanced that the randiyas got their pork deliveries automatically or did your khandaan have to do them?

When Pakistanis together with their brothers Persians and Arabs ruled half of the world and lived in palaces, Turks lived in yurtas and drank fermented milk

Lmfao. Friendship ended with Turks finally?

i would save 1 greeks life over 1 million paki desu

Why don't you go ask arabs and persian whether they see pakis as their brothers or not

if germans are so advanced, why do they destroy their country with brownies?

Well yeah so what we white pipo won

oh snap will wypipo ever catch up to paki progress?????

>blah blah we wuz civilized n sheeeit like a gorrilian years ago
shit in a toilet raj

they do

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The most advanced ancient civilizations were Egypt and Mesopotamia, ancient Persians were advanced too but not on that level, we came later.

What's your point? It's just people sitting on the floor eating. People do that everywhere.

Also, we don't see you as brothers or enemies, we just see you as those Muslim Indians who take Islam way too seriously and play cricket. We don't have much contact with you because our Balochestan border region (our only border with you) is barren desert.

Why are you larping? You had no role in the Achaemenid empire (our strongest empire). And the Arab Rashidun caliphate had nothing to do with Pakistan either, Pakistanis are just Indian converts to Islam and the country was created in 1947. The average cisgender Iranian person barely knows anything about Pakistan.

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Yeah no. Best is that they have no real genetic ancestors today, so it's not possible for people to wewuz

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>You had no role in the Achaemenid empire
India (the Persians called it India but it was just NW India) was the richest province of the Achaemenid Empire and financed it's war.

32% of the Persian Empire's revenue came from its "Indian" subjects. Of course, the region the Persians called India was modern day Pakistan and NW India.

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My point was that Pakistanis, or at least the region that is now known as Pakistan, had a considerable role in the Achaemenid Empire since it was the largest source of its tax revenue. This perhaps is what might've compelled Alexander to push forward into India but the showdown with Porus, even though he was victorious, caused damage to his army which became on the verge of mutiny.

>People do that everywhere.

nope only the Ummah does it

>who take Islam way too seriously

Iranians are more stringent in their worship practices and they're an example for Pakistani

> the country was created in 1947

The country is merely a political entity (completely unnecessary since the Ummah should form one state) but the Pakistani nation existed way before it same like Kurds who don't have their state yet exist as a nation.

Yeah, but the most important cities during the pre-Islamic Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid Persian empires were Ecbatana (Iran), Uruk (Iraq), Ctesiphon (Iraq), Pasargadae (Iran), Persepolis (Iran), Susa (Iran), Sardis (Turkey), Babylon (Iraq), Memphis (Egypt), Tyre (Lebanon), Isfahan (Iran), Ray (Iran), Istakhr (Iran).

India was probably resource rich and Achaemenids used and profited off the land the same way the French profited off of North Africa and Sub Saharan Africa. Pakistanis were citizens and subjects of the Achaemenid empire, in the same way cisgender Iranian people were citizens and subjects of the Arab Muslim Rashidun, Abbasid and Ummayad empires.

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>Pakistanis were citizens and subjects of the Achaemenid empire

ugh we should return to this

Here's your Ummah bro

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