Why do Ukrainians and Russians refer to each other with pig imagery?

Why do Ukrainians and Russians refer to each other with pig imagery?

Attached: no dogs or russians.jpg (499x253, 123.23K)


does ukraine belongs to Russia now?

Attached: 76.jpg (1032x676, 158.46K)

The guy on the left has the VDV undershirt on.
Do Ukrainians use that?

Cultural reasons

Muslims have shoe insults
Latinxs have mother insults
Americans have race insults

maybe ukranians are trying to steal russian fashion, dunno.

they dont
pig is for ukranians, there are other slurs used for russians

Russians use pig as an insult because of Muslim-Tatar influence

Ukrainians have been called pigs for enjoying pork fat for decades (if not more). Them calling us this way is nothing but "no, you!" cope.

I get confused for being from Ukraina and Russia, should I worry?

Not as far as I know.

>Do Ukrainians use that?

Attached: OeI4vu4YxV.jpg (1280x720, 384.09K)

the left pic is from 2014. back then hohols used a lot of soviet uniform. I even read some russian vdv soldier's memoires, he was sent in donbass in 2014 and he was shocked because ukrainian vdv soldiers used the same insignias as they did, same margelov photos, same iniform, everything

we refer to them as pigs because they have a lot of pig farms, they refer to us as pigs because they're salty copycats

There's a long history of that phenomenon. During WW2 nazis used the idiom "russische schwein". Ukrainians also used this idiom, then Russians started to cope, they used to say: "ah it's not about us, it's all you, nazis saw you first when they annexed western part of ussr and you were so dirty and lived in mud so they call you a pig. Also this idiom doesn't mean that russians are pigs it means a pig, which belongs to russian haha, and you like to eat lard, so nazis definitely meant you"

they call you katsap though

Nazis have been using pig insult to insult Russians.

>they have to add "russian" to the word pig because otherwise everyone would just assume they're talking about ukrainians

katsap means "butcher" in turkish. suits me well

Im a Tatar myself, but the only person I ever know which used that word as an insult is my uncle. However "pig" rhymes with the word "russian" in Tartar. It's more common to use the word "animal" or "beast" as an insult in Tatar.

>Im a Tatar myself,
la gamba?

I don't know what the fuck is la gamba.

hes a tatar namefag in /rus/